Female panther closing one eye, no discharge, no swelling - posting for a friend


New Member
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Female Panther, my friend has had it for about a month.
Handling - Once in awhile
Feeding - Mostly crickets gutloaded with commercial bug food
Supplements - Sticky tongue farms, usual panther supplement schedule.
Watering - Misting multiple times a day and a dripper. She drinks when she is misted.
Fecal Description - No signs of parasites, normal poo and urates.
History - I sold her this chameleon from the Petco store that i work at. She was healthy and just reaching maturity so she needed an appropriate home asap so she could lay eggs if gravid. New owners are wonderful! Listened to every bit of information I gave them and they contact me to this day with updates.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - 24x24x48 home made screen. no substrate.
Lighting - Repti-glo 10.0 and 75 watt housebulb in a dome.
Temperature - not sure
Humidity - 50-80%, gauge
Plants -Pothos and schefflura
Placement - unsure
Location - PA

Current Problem - Her owners contacted me today about her closing her one eye. They are very worried. There is no swelling, and no discharge, and today has been the first day it happened. They say she wants to open it, but almost acts like it hurts and leaves it shut. She has been rubbing it, it must be itchy. She is eating, drinking, and moving fine, not sleeping during the day.

I told her to give the girl a nice long shower and if the cham will let her, dampen a q-tip and gently rub it over the eye (the cham may naturally want to rub the eye on the q-tip if it is itchy). I told her she may have been rubbing it on her perches and may have gotten some debri in it which may be irritating it. I told her if it starts to develop discharge or starts to swell, take her to the vet immediately, and the owner agreed she will.

Is there anything else I can tell her or suggest?
It could be any of a number of things.
The first thing I wonder about is the Repti Glo 10.0. There were serious eye problems associated with those bulbs in the past and maybe she got an older bulb.
It may also just be that the more intense UVB output of the 10.0 versus a 5.0 is irritating her eye.
Turn off the UVB bulb for a few days and see if she starts opening the eye more often and for longer periods of time.

I would also rinse her eyes with a saline solution as described here:https://www.chameleonforums.com/saline-solution-35457/

If some dirt or shed is lodged in her eye, this can help her to clear it out.

If the humidity is more often lower than it should be that can irritate eyes.

Of course she may have scratched it on something, perhaps a branch or tiny strand of screening sticking out . The saline rinses can help prevent an infection from taking hold.
I doubt it's the lighting. The sun is more harsh than any bulb on the market. Plus I, and other keepers have been using 10.0's on cages 4 feet or higher, which is my general rule of thumb and it was never an issue. There have been problems with the compacts bulbs, but they are using a linear which are the most recommended.

She gave her 2 showers yesterday and one today and said her eye did shed, but it still won't open the whole way. Ill suggest the saline solution. Not sure about the vitamin A because they do use the stickytongue farms multi and it has absorbable vitamin A in it.
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