Female panther has started laying!!!


New Member
Hi guys, 30 days after mating my female panther has started digging in her egg bin. We've had the vivarium covered over since mating and she's just started digging in the laying bin.

How long can it take?

We don't have an incubator yet, how long can the eggs be left in the soil before transferring them?

Any other tips?

This is our first time and first set of chameleons!
Congrats on your first :D

I never owned females, but you should be able to find your answers in the 'chameleon care' window, which is located at the bottom left of this page.

If not, you can do a search and get plenty of answers.

These are FAQ's :)
can take anywhere from a couple hours until tomorrow morning. Make sure she doesn't retain any eggs. Keep her bin available for at least another week. I leave mine in at all times. You should move the eggs to a hatching container within the first couple hours. Careful they are soft. You can use any Tupperware container with organic vermiculite and perlite mix. Just wet enough to hold water, not drip it. Optional as whether to poke a couple pin holes in container. Keep in a dark warm area at about 75-78 degrees.
she lay 29! Put them in the vermiculite as per reading everyone's advice! Thanks guys!
Congrats! Very exciting. My female should be laying soon too. I've got her bin in there for when she's ready.
Very! Can't wait til they hatch!

I got home last night and she had dug two test holes and was sound asleep in her plant. I gave her a good misting this morning and noticed she started heading down again! Excited to get home tonight and see if I have some eggs!

You and I will be in for a long and torturous wait - although setting up the baby cages will keep me busy enough.

I'm intending to keep the eggs in my cooler basement (high 60's-low 70's) for the first couple months and then move them upstairs into the closet where room temperature is mid-70s.
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