Female Parsonii

Man i dont know how hard ciccadas are to catch. But can you imagine how loud they are to try try and breed them. You'd have to have a sound proof room or barn too be able to sleep at night. Btw, I need to hit you up for some crack again soon Steve. Im just started to use my last bag.

That's what has in theory, stopped me from proceed with this insect. I can just imagine the sound coming from the mail carrier, or UPS facility.

I do wonder if they can be freeze dried, and then fed much like Locust.
Have you had luck feeding dried feeders? Ive never even attempted to give my chams a "dead" feeder. I guess you could kind of simulate movement using tongs. Have you given your parsons any frozen mice? I know you talk about quail htchlings being given. Are those fresh frozen or are they fed alive?
Have you had luck feeding dried feeders? Ive never even attempted to give my chams a "dead" feeder. I guess you could kind of simulate movement using tongs. Have you given your parsons any frozen mice? I know you talk about quail htchlings being given. Are those fresh frozen or are they fed alive?

Dried grasshoppers have worked, but don't think you get the same things from a lifeless insect, as you do alive. I think the chameleons associate certain shapes and colors with food prey items. ( pinch the head off a superworm, and see if a panther turns its nose up at a lifeless super offered.) No frozen mice have ever been used, and I don't think you could get them to eat a motionless chick, unless its shape is recognized. A peeping, floundering chick is what peaks their interest. But the quail are rarely offered, only one or two per year.
Thats what i was thinking. I know from my observations its hard to get mine to eat anything that doesnt move. Esp dubia since they can can be slow deliberate movers. Thanks Steve
Mantises are #1 followed by green grasshoppers,green katydids then stick insects. Sorry seems like we have not got tree cicadas here in California. For the mantises I normally raise them in outside colonies though. How do you house your single mantises if you do not mind me asking?
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Mantises are #1 followed by green grasshoppers then stick insects. Sorry seems like we have not got tree cicadas here in California. For the mantises I normally raise them in outside colonies though. How do you house your single mantises if you do not mind me asking?

32 oz. deli cups with cloth lid. Add a single stick, and thats it. Mist and feed every other day.
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Could I ge a quarter million :)

I'm just now seeing this. :confused:

If you want. They are all over and I imagine if I went out with a net at dusk, I could have a field day catching them. (they tend to fly around a lot at that time of day). Hey, maybe that's a good job for my daughter. :D

But yeah, I imagine the UPS guy would be pretty freaked out delivering them. :rolleyes::eek:
I'm going to have to start raising then. Probably going to go 50 at a time not 200 and just release the extras in the yard.

I had a good wild (backyard/frontyard) supply too, but I have a blue scrub Jay, that has become a really good mantis finder. I hand feed him supers and he's good at hunting down loose crickets. I saw the Jay swoop down and get something green. I thought it was a worm or catapillar, but after a closer look, discovered it was a near adult mantis. :(
I'm just now seeing this. :confused:

If you want. They are all over and I imagine if I went out with a net at dusk, I could have a field day catching them. (they tend to fly around a lot at that time of day). Hey, maybe that's a good job for my daughter. :D

But yeah, I imagine the UPS guy would be pretty freaked out delivering them. :rolleyes::eek:

It might be easier for you to keep all the those mantis in your neighborhood. And collect a few cases in the fall/winter. They ship better, with less carrier freak outs. ;)
I had a good wild (backyard/frontyard) supply too, but I have a blue scrub Jay, that has become a really good mantis finder. I hand feed him supers and he's good at hunting down loose crickets. I saw the Jay swoop down and get something green. I thought it was a worm or catapillar, but after a closer look, discovered it was a near adult mantis. :(

I have got a couple of wild grasshopper collecting areas and if I find a mantisis in one of these wild colonies they are dinner for the chameleons. Other wise I they are normally left alone.
I'm just now seeing this. :confused:

If you want. They are all over and I imagine if I went out with a net at dusk, I could have a field day catching them. (they tend to fly around a lot at that time of day). Hey, maybe that's a good job for my daughter. :D

But yeah, I imagine the UPS guy would be pretty freaked out delivering them. :rolleyes::eek:

I sure don't miss those loud ass bugs, they are a sure sign that summer has arrived in chicago!! I never thought about feeding them off... that would be a hefty meal!
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