Female Veiled Acting Strange :/

Did the vet do an x-ray to see if she has eggs inside?

If you are going to try to keep her cage warmer at night, you need to use a heat emitting "bulb"...it does not emit light. If you use a light how is she going to be able to tell when its night and sleep? Although heat may help if she's sick, they don't need heat at night normally unless the temperature drops below 65 F or so.

You said..."I am not suppose to let her see me or bother her how am i suppose to spray her?"...you can spray her when she's not digging and back up in the branches.

Has she dug at all?
Yes they did xrays and it is a heat emitting bulb (red ones). She showed no desire to dig at all except when she covered that hole I made. As for the temp our house at night is probably 65-70starting and last night she slept up top, so....please let me know if that's not right. Thanks!
Yes they did xrays and it is a heat emitting bulb (red ones). She showed no desire to dig at all except when she covered that hole I made. As for the temp our house at night is probably 65-70starting and last night she slept up top, so....please let me know if that's not right. Thanks!

What did the xrays show? Does she have eggs? Did you go to the vet mentioned above? Most vet are not familiar with chameleons.
They showed a healthy chameleon. No I did not because they didn't have an appointment available and we were leaving on vacation so I went to another reptile and exotic's vet. They raped me in cost but they are well versed in reptiles. Out here in Southern CA my local vets wouldn't even see her and recommended two vets and one being the one listed above.

I have decided to leave a small laying box in her enclosure. I was also told at the reptile store that the conditions, feedings, diet, etc. have to be almost perfect for them to lay and/or produce eggs does anybody know if that is true?
Ok no I don't have that one I have a Zoo Med one but it is the red glow ones so I will order/buy one of the ceramic ones. Thank You!
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