Female veiled chameleon breeding question

Hi i have currently 2 Veiled chameleons 1 male 1 female.....my question is i have had my female for a year and a half.....iam curious as to when see is going to be receptive or show any signs of even having egg's it bothering me since i have been told that they will lay there first clutch at about a year.....well mine has not even shown the slight bit of wanting to lay eggs or be receptive....is this normal???? i have posted pics of my male and female for u to see...please let me know if im going crazy or not thanks



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that looks like two females to me... no male coloration. is that the same cham or two diffrent ones? if so i'd say two females.
Im going to second this.
If that is your supposed male and female cham, then you seem to have two females. in which case.. you cant breed them... together anyway. ;) :rolleyes:
the top 2 pics are my male.....and iam 100 percent posative he is a male...........2 reasons he has the spurs on the back of his hine legs (bumps) and he does show his colors just wasnt in those pics.......but the real question is i have owned my female longer than my male.......almost 2 years now and i am woundering why she has not been receptive or gravid or have laid any eggs......is this normal???? if so when should i at least see a batch of unfertalized eggs? and they are both veileds
How old is htat male?

and its possible that the female hasnt been over fed or her basking spot isnt hot enough to produce eggs.
as of right now i do not no how old the male is but i do know he is a juvenile....i have never tried to breed them because i know that he is not ready and still has some growing to do......and as to my female i feed her everyother day with crickets, moths and flies, she dosnt like worms lol........and how hot does her basking spot have to be??? mine is around 80-85
how big is the male from snout to vent?
and feeding her every other day could do it. or shes not sexualy mature yet.. or its a male. ;)


but honestly, the basking temp at 85-90 might set her up to produce, though she doesnt have to lay infertiles to mate.
From snout to tip of tail he is 4&1/2 inches and hes some more pics i went in his room and he was sleeping hes colors show here

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im sorry iam guessing due to i held him today and his body is as long as my hand......he has a really long tail too and what is vent? u mean you want his length of his snout to his butt? i will see if i can get it
..... can it really take longer than 2 years for a female to become sexually mature or lay eggs?
Basking of 80 to 85 is perfect for your female. That is most likely why she hasn't laid infertile eggs. That is what you want, infertile eggs still put a tax on the females body. Unless they are fertile, if she never lays, be happy.
i do eventually want to breed her that why i woundering if she is ever going to become receptive or is she ever going to lay egg's....what conditions do i have to have to want her to produce egg's?
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