Female Veiled Chameleon


New Member
Hello, I have a female veiled chameleon. And a couple problems.. I found her in her little water bowl this afternoon (I know most chameleons don't drink still water, but she is weird) She was actually laying in her bowl. She was ice cold, so I held her in a heating pad, and she had a panic attack of some sort. She turned white, and looked dead almost.. shaking and everything. Then she stopped and went back to normal. She is also gravid at the moment (I have everything set up properly) But I just need advice.. I have had her for 7 months now. She is my baby, I have also recently gotten a male veiled chameleon. I just need HELP. No she is not gravid with fertile eggs.
hmmm it seems to me she may have fallen and landed in that water bowl! i don't see another reason she would have went there unless she went to investigate a digging site. i would also go through a good care sheet and double check EVERYTHING. down to supplements! One more thing i wanted to add is i think females should be more around a year old to breed, i don't have the MOST experience but I'm sure other members will correct me if i am wrong! Best of luck with your girl i hope the best for her!
Oh, thank you. She is a year, but I have HAD her for 7 months. She is a year and a month I do believe. I feed her meal worms and crickets dusted with calcium, and crickets fed carrots and calcium gummy bites (I forgot what they are called) She is on a good diet. I removed her water bowl for safety.
thats a good start! i would also maybe invest into some good gut loading stuff such as dino fuel. There are various others out there but something like that would work well! do you have any pictures you can post and how is she doing as of now?
She is just sitting in her terrarium, hanging onto her branches. She looks like a soft green, but I can post pictures tomorrow or later tonight? She has a male right next to her in his terrarium, but she is blocked by a board. They cannot see each other. Her belly is very very big, she should be laying in the next week or two.
make ABSOLUTE sure she is getting enough food and supplements because laying eggs takes A LOT out of her. maybe also consider a calcium drop one time before and after! And circling back around to earlier the reason she may have seemed to be freaking out in the heat pad might have been simply it was too hot! keep an eye on her, offer her food, keep her hydrated, and make sure she has a digging tub to lay those eggs!
She has got plenty of room for egg laying. I'm going to the pet store tomorrow for more food. She had 2 meal worms tonight, but she rejected anything else. I also assumed that she over heated and had a panic attack. I guess I transitioned her from cold to hot far too fast. That was my mistake, and I feel horrible about it.
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