Female Veiled Questions


New Member
I'm pretty new to the chameleon hobby. And before I go any further, if you need to see pics of Darby (female veiled) then they're not going to be the best quality. All I have is my cell phone. Anyways, I have some questions about her appearence. I know that females tend to be much more drab in colors than males, but she always looks ashy; almost dry. She eats very well and is very active for a chameleon. And by that I mean when she knows it's feeding time she flies to the bottom of her cage and starts scratching when she hears the "shake and bake" sound of the crikets being dusted. But like I was saying, she looks almost ashy. There's no burn marks (thank God), and I mist the cage at least twice a day to the point where all the leaves are dripping. Plus I have a haba-mister that goes off for 30 seconds every 4 hours in a 12 hour period. I know I'm already doing one thing wrong because she's in a 35 gallon hex glass tank. But I'm building a 4' tall cage this weekend for her. All I can say is I don't want to have any problems with her. She doesn't really have a specific basking spot but the all around temp is around 80 and towards the top it's closer to 85-90. She eats about 6 large every other day. I'm not sure if that's too little but she's not skinny. If anybody can give me some imput let me know. I'll do what I can to answer any questions or do anything to make Darby a healthy woman...chameleon.
If you could answer these questions using brand names where you can-we are happy to help!
Cage Info:
Cage Type - What kind of cage are you using? What is the size?
Lighting - What kind of lighting are you using? How long do you keep the lights on during the day?
Temperature - What temperature range have you created? Basking spot temp? What is the temperature at night?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Location - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas?

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon.
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What kind of schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What are you dusting your feeders with and what kind of schedule do you use?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings.
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
Current Problem - The current problem that you are concerned about.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 35 Gallon Hexagon by AGA
Lighting - (1) UV-B Flourescent, (1) 100W Day and (1) 75 Night (Black Bulb), Day lights are on from 9am to 9pm
Temperature - 75 day, 85 basking, and 65-70 night
Humidity - 60 with sprays of a water bottle 2 times daily, and a Zoomed Habamister that goes off for 30 sec.s 4 times a day (though it's not much of a mister; more used for drinking.
Plants - Only one live hibiscus, the rest are fake.
Location - the only thing it's near that could be a problem is a window, but the glass insulates enought to keep the warm in and the cold out. Once I build her new cage it will be moved to the middle of the my room against a wall, no high traffic, vents or windows.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Female Veiled, Not sure how old she is but she's about 7" from head to begining of tail.
Feeding - Crickets and super worms, every other day, If she eats a super worm just one, but crickets between 4 and 6 lg., I gut load them with Zilla gutload and Cricket drink with calcium and viatmin C
Supplements - ReptoCal with Viatmin D3 roughly every 2nd feeding
Watering - Same as the humidy control and she drink fairly regularly.
Fecal Description - brown with some white and pretty solid.
History - I can't think of anything noteworthy.
Current Problem - She looks ashy/dry. She is very active and seems very healthy but I'm just worried about her colors/skin. She's a nice green when she's eating and nice green and brown camo pattern otherwise. All of this in the 1st message in a lil more detail. Anything I should pay attention to?
veiled cham

Cage Type -I am using a GLASS terrarium even though everyone told me not too...my veiled loves it and since I am in a cold climate location its much better for keeping my chameleons area properly humid and good temps. my female veiled tank if 4 ft by 2.5 ft and my male veiled is in a huge terrarium we build from a china cabinet its about 5 ft tall and 5 ft wide and 2 feet deep.
Lighting - The lights are on maybe 12 hours...i use the heat light and uv balb and at night the red bulbs
Temperature - Day tepms about 80 85 and night 70-75
Plants - We have live Pothos 12 ' pots in both the cages and the veiled love it. we used to have fake but they are much happier with the new live plants
Location - Own cages are located in a reptile room in our house. We changed a spare bedroom into a reptile room where we keep all about reptiles chameleons, and ball python morphs. soon to be more!

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - 1 female veiled 7-8 months old. 1 male 7-8 months old
Feeding - we feed the chams a bit more than recommended daily they eat about 12-15 gut loaded crickets on the weekend we give them wax worms and stuff for a treat they are shakin baked with calcium thet are fed in the morning before i head to work
Watering - we spray with water bottles 2-3 times daily and we tried the drip systems but they didnt work for us
Fecal Description - brown with a little whie and faily solid

Hope this helps message me if you have any other questions i dont know eveything but i do know quite a bit..
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