Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

I'm glad to hear that she made it through the surgery. Did they spay her also? How long has it been since the surgery? My girl Lottie had the surgery over a year ago and she is doing fine.
I just read through this thread, I am so glad to hear you actually went through and her the surgery and got her spayed right away. Getting an egg bound chameleon is no joke and needs to be acted on right away. I'm glad to hear she's fiesty, that's always a great sign no matter how terrible it may seem. They usually come back around with time. Just be patient. Right now she hurts and doesn't feel good, so it's likely she will be like this for a while. I am so glad she pulled through the surgery though, and is one step closer to making a full recovery. Hopefully she's enjoying her new home and all goes continues to go well for you and your baby girl <3 keep us updated ^^
So it's been 5 months since her surgery. She has a brand new home bigger and better for her.
However this morning I noticed her scratching at her substrate.
I don't know if it's the heat or the fact I have this new ornament like roots wrapping around itself and is hollow and if she is just trying to get in there but I am worried.
She doesn't look like she has a swollen belly so I don't think it could be eggs (as I heard even though she had been spayed they could grow back).
I'm hoping I'm just over worrying for her.
She's still her aggressive self doesn't even like being hand fed since her surgery I don't think she trusts us.
She has been eating not as much as she used to but still eats a good amount everyday.
She is usually nice and her bright green and yellow self and goes dark if we open up her house. But while she was digging I did notice she was a little darker than normal.
Do I need to rush her to the vets or shall I just keep an eye on her?
So it's been 5 months since her surgery. She has a brand new home bigger and better for her.
However this morning I noticed her scratching at her substrate.
I don't know if it's the heat or the fact I have this new ornament like roots wrapping around itself and is hollow and if she is just trying to get in there but I am worried.
She doesn't look like she has a swollen belly so I don't think it could be eggs (as I heard even though she had been spayed they could grow back).
I'm hoping I'm just over worrying for her.
She's still her aggressive self doesn't even like being hand fed since her surgery I don't think she trusts us.
She has been eating not as much as she used to but still eats a good amount everyday.
She is usually nice and her bright green and yellow self and goes dark if we open up her house. But while she was digging I did notice she was a little darker than normal.
Do I need to rush her to the vets or shall I just keep an eye on her?

Just want to add that up until today she has been fine. Showing amazing bright colours even slight hints of blue and orange some days. Her temps are monitored much better with 3 thermometers and a working thermostat.
Hoping it's just the hot weather. I keep her tank wet for her and I have a fan blowing cold air around so she gets a cool air flow throughout the day and evening
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