Female will not breed


New Member
my female panther about 2-2 1/2 years will not mate i had a different male before she didnt want to mate this male i have now is very healthy he bobbs is head and seem interested but the female scares him. I mad the cage up so her bottom of the cage is soil. She seems to love it i have never seen her lay eggs
Her cage


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What do mean by scares her? The male will always want to breed, but females not always. If she is hissing at the male, she is unreceptive. If she is unreceptive, try again in 2 weeks.
Couple things that I think will help you:

- Put a lot more cover in her cage (live plants)
- When attempting breeding put the female in the male's cage
- Females are not always receptive. They go through cycles. Try once every week.

Best of luck to you. :)
How often have you tried putting them together? Often the female will be more pink and restless when receptive. Have you tried both putting the male in the female's cage and the female in the male's cage? Have you tried putting them both out on a free range?
I have tried doing both cages she goes orange i havent seen pick i have had her a year she layied duds about two month after i got her i havnt she her even lay duds i tryied doing the out of the cage with the first male i was hoping that she didnt breed with the first one because he was sick that we wouldnt have a problem with the new young healthy one.
I thought it was finally going to happen yesterday i put him in hers and he sat there and changed colours i havent seen that yet and bobbed his whole body. But she was moving closer to him she normally runs away but she longed at him and he fled. He didnt get hurt or she didnt bite it was a quick thing. They stayed away from each other.
It can take many attempts, it is really hard to say when they are receptive. I would try showing her the male once a week and watch her reaction. If she starts to gape, turn black, or rock back and forth, take her away and try again the next week.
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