New Member
So I have an adult female ambilobe panther that is now almost 15 months old. She was first bred at 12 months of age. At that point she already weighed 92 grams. The last time she was weighed, a week after dropping her second clutch she was 107 grams. She has laid two giant clutches in the past 3 months and is about 12 days into producing another. Her first clutch was 44 eggs, only 3 of which went bad so far. The second clutch was 48 eggs, of those I lost 2. 1 because she dropped it in a pot after she laid the first 4 and it dried out, I found it about 2 weeks too late. The other was just infertile. Well now she is already becoming giant again after having just laid a few weeks ago. I have done everything there is too try to prevent it. I feed her every three days and not very much, probably 5-8 crickets or 4 large silkies. She is healthy and maintains her weight with that but is still producing eggs. Her ambient temp is at 70 degrees with an 81 degree basking spot which she doesn't use too often at all. She has not seen a male since the initial mating and they were only paired together for 45 minutes and then separated as she got very very angry at the male and bit him on the side instantly after he pulled out and was trying to crawl off of her. The vet said that the only other option after this clutch if she starts to produce another is to spay her. I tend to agree because if she begins to produce another giant clutch like this I do not think she will live long after depositing it. Like I said she is in perfect health and sort of a giant compared to the rest of my females but I do not want her producing eggs to the extent that it end up killing her so young and although I have seen no ill affects yet I believe there has to be some physically that she is not showing because she is laying so many eggs. I was just wondering if anyone has any other ways that they try to slow down their females. I know it is near impossible if she still has sperm left to use up but I have never seen one mating under an hour produce so many fertile eggs before. Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.