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Hi. I have had my veiled chameleon since the end of January. He/she has grown but I have always thought it was a male. I could see a faint bump but now im kind of freaking out. I'm worried about a laying bin and all that stuff if it is a female. Please help! Is keeping a female hard?
And is coco fiber okay to use in a laying bin? I have a some what large/tall plastic container.
It is hard to tell if it is a female or male without a picture of the back feet. Just looking at your avatar I am inclined to say it is a female. I believe there is information under the care resources for about laying bins. I never had a female but based on what I have read in the past coco fiber would not be appropriate for a laying bin. Most folks use a sand & dirt combo. Not sure of the ratio of sand to dirt though. I believe there are several threads discussing this and I remember seeing a video about setting up a laying bin as well. I think it was made by Dez.
I read that you can use like eco earth and that is all I have right now. I just want to make sure she doesn't become egg bound.
You cannot tell if it is a male or female from you avatar pic. Post another of the back of the back heel and we can tell you if it is a female or male.
Check out those videos and links from Jannb's post above. They are excellent and will answer all your questions. Do try to post a pick of the back feet heel area. You may not need a bin at all!
If u make a laying bin: I use 3/4 organic topsoil and 1/4 playsand mix. Both available at Home Depot. Bin should be at least 12" deep, 16" long and 16" wide.
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