Females not bred = Egg-binding?

Not totally off the subject but I have a question.

Is anyone familiar with luperon? This is an injectable hormone given to birds to stop egg production of females.

I'm wondering if anyone has heard of any female chams given this therapy, which might inncrease the lifespn of the females. I'm going to write to some professors to see if this can be used/ or have been used on any reptiles.


Nope, never heard of it. :( sorry
I have read an article about using tamoxifen and indomethacin to stop follicular yolk deposition but it was in leopard geckos.
I saw that study at Arizona State, but have not heard of anyone using this in a clinical setting.

Lupron is not cheap, I wonder if the tomoxifen is more expensive.

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I haven't heard of anyone using it in a clinical setting yet either.

I don't know the cost of tamoxifen or lupron either. :(
A couple of websites that I found indicate that the price of tamoxifen is about $100. US for a month's supply...but I don't know how many pills that includes.
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