ferocious beast!!!!


New Member
I'm not saying i want to handle him yet but i was planning on adding drainage to his enclosure this weekend and I need to get him out of there. With my luck I get him on a stick and he jumps off or something.


Besides when he arrived last Friday, I held him on saturday just to get him out of his enclosure so I can add a ficus. Since about Tuesday he is super bitey if I get to close to him when i'm cleaning his enclosure.

This was just a quick demonstration, don't think i'm in there trying to touch him every five seconds.
well didn't you name him after...?

He probably still needs some time to settle in. He wasn't like that before I sent him.
I would really hold him once/twice a week when I would put him outside for some sun.
I think he misses you :)

Or maybe he doesn't like his name, maybe I should change it to something like Baby Angel and maybe his personality will reflect.

I hope it's just a settling in thing. I'll keep my distance from him for a little while. He wasn't like that when he arrived, he came right out of his cup and climb right on my hand and actually took a few minutes to get off onto the plants.
Try coming at him slower and from the front, not behind him, and put your hand under him. If he bites you, he isn't that big, don't pull away, it isn't a big deal.

I've also had some nice roaches or crickets in my hand before... they are usually happy to see my hand and come to them thinking they might get a treat.

As Lancecham said, he may just need some time to settle in... patience. :)
yeah, i'm gonna try that in a few days or so, see if he gets more settled in. I actually think it's really cute when he makes that noise. I'm like the dog owner that thinks a puppy biting is cute until the puppy grows up and bites the owners fingers off.
Zombie - Tilly was a sod when we got her. But at the pet shop she was fine!! We were thinking what are we doing wrong!? But since she's had time to settle in she's getting a lot better. If you put your finger near her she hisses and tell us off, but if we go in with our hand flat she just has a good look as if to say 'oh what's this then!'. And of course when there's food in our hands she can't keep away hehe :D
Yeah, Amy/Amos is the same. You've just got to rmember to move slowly! I was used to Lily who I could do anything with and just put my hand in the cage and do whatever and she'd just climb on. My new baby is VERY different and will try to escape my hands at all costs - including leaping to the floor once too! Scared the c**p out of me, lol! :D

I've found the best thing so far (as suggested by Brock) is to have food that they love and use it to your advantage! I started by hand feeding then I progressed to putting the feeder just out of reach so s/he had to climb onto my hand to reach it. I just fed 4 locusts this afternoon with her sat on my hand! Just take it slow and be very patient - I've had Amy/Amos for 3 and a half weeks now and it is a very slow process to gain their trust, but it is very rewarding! Good luck!
Poking at him is only going to make it worse. Move slow, let him get used to your hand. As already suggested, begin by offering him food items, he'll learn to associate the hand with something positive.
My new veiled is quite aggressive too.He is a whole 6 maybe a little more inches and he thinks he is as big as a freaking house. He even hisses at my hibiscus flowers on the tree!!:D
I just put my hand in and kind of trick him into walking on it buy kinda pointing at him with my other hand. The first 5 minutes I hold him he goes all spotted and puffs up at me. Then he just starts climbing all over me. I try to get him out a few times a week and just let him climb on me to get him use to being held. Other times I will just get him and take him directly outside to sun on the trees on my patio.
Haha Tilly think's she's bigger and harder than everything else. If you try to go near her she's usually like 'SOD OFF, I'LL EAT YOU I SWEAR!'
Trust me I don't poke at him, I know the video looks like I am because you canonly see one finger. I usually approach him with a slow open palm.

I was filling up the mister this morning and that pissed him off.
My girlfriend sent me a pic when she went home for lunch today, he exploded with shedding skin.

I wonder if that is part of the cause for his aggressiveness.
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