few random q's

Lil nasty

1-2 month old veiled. had 1.5 weeks

1.) i live in sacramento, like window open sometimes and fan on sometimes in my room, not sure how cold it gets in here with changing weather, i have a red infared night light. use it or no? ive read dont use it and do.. i just feel like hes gona get cold and sick if i dont use it since he's cold blooded..

2.) my small dripper bottle last only a few minutes or it drips 2 fast.. is it only dripping in morning before work and evening when i get home ok? i dont think this little cage will hold a liter bottle of water on it so i dunno.. it seems too small for a mist system also..

3.) he ate a piece of my ficus leave and tried bitting a branch... just hungry or do i need to get him on veggies? ive only fed small crickets

4.) i cant get this cricket situation down.. i have a ficus plant in a planting pot in it, which sits in a rectangle tub that catches the water from the dripper which runs into plant. it fills up with water and empty it once a week. i dump crickets on the plant and some fall down into the bottom and some drowned, ugh, i put them in a feeding cup and most jump out.. some walk at the bottom where he cant get because theres a tub and potting pot. everyones saying that they should be eating this much and to keep track but i cant keep track!

5.) is there any way to locate people locally that grow their own bugs for sale??

6.) i get the pet store small crickets but some are big, some are small, i feel like sometimes there 2 big but i dont know what to do, i cant really pick em out, should i order them online?

today my g/f got mad at me because i came home on my lunch and sat in front of lizard cage and didnt spend time with her lol :mad:
Where you are I suspect there will be times he needs heat if you always have the window open at night. They tolerate (even benefit from) a temperature drop of 15, 20 degrees at night and can handle temps in the 50s. However, where you are, I bet it gets colder at night next to the open window. I would recommend finding a heat source that doesn't give off light though. You can get "heat only" bulbs for example.

You should consider adding some drainage to your cage. It can be as simple as putting it on a wooden box with a big cut out on top, put a "catch pan" in the box under the cut out, put the cage on the box over the cut out and drill some holes in the bottom of the cage over the cut out.

I don't know what kind of dripper you have, but try to adjust it so it drips more slowly. If it's just a cup with holes, get a new cup, try to punch smaller holes...Can you put a liter bottle slightly above the cage? Maybe on a bookshelf or something and run a siphon hose to the cup? It's just a thought...You can also try putting aquarium rocks (small) in the cup to slow the flow of the water. It's really an adventure.

Veileds eat veggies so try putting some healthy greens and fruits in for him.

The problem with the ficus is the drainage issue. If you get it so your cage drains, you can have holes in the bottom of your plant pot so it will drain and then life will be better. That will help with the cricket drowning problem.

You can definitely look around for someone local who sells crickets. It might be easier to advertise for someone to split online orders with you.

This is a tiny baby, so smaller seems better when it comes to feeders.
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