Film footage of Veiled Chameleons in the wild in Yemen


New Member
Hi Folks,

I recently retrieved some camcorder footage i recorded in Sept/Oct 2001 of Veiled Chameleons in their native habitat in Yemen. I have posted them on you tube - just search veiled17 to bring them up. They are not great quality but will hopefully give all you keepers of this beautiful animal a better understanding of their home. Please pay special attention to the fact that a single male appears to have a whole Acacia tree to himself and they bask in temperatures in the high nineties. I would highly recommend giving this species as much space as you can and access to outdoor sunlight and fresh air as much as possible.

Cool video! Did you also write a Chameleon information Network article about the trip?
AWESOME!! It is my dream to one day see these guys in their natural habitat!! Lucky you!! I have a friend who runs a dive shop in Madagascar and he recently posted pics of an awesomely beautiful Nosy Be in its natural environment! I was blown away by the pics of the big beauty! Perhaps I'll get there one day too!!

On a side note, in Madagascar the Chameleon is considered a 'good luck' symbol so people are extremely mindful of them. People who are lucky enough to own cars will often place a panther cham inside the vehicle (windows down, of course!) so no one will steal it. It is BAD MOJO if you diz the Chameleon Gods in Madagascar!!

Great video's...thanks for sharing!
AWESOME!! It is my dream to one day see these guys in their natural habitat!! Lucky you!! I have a friend who runs a dive shop in Madagascar and he recently posted pics of an awesomely beautiful Nosy Be in its natural environment! I was blown away by the pics of the big beauty! Perhaps I'll get there one day too!!

On a side note, in Madagascar the Chameleon is considered a 'good luck' symbol so people are extremely mindful of them. People who are lucky enough to own cars will often place a panther cham inside the vehicle (windows down, of course!) so no one will steal it. It is BAD MOJO if you diz the Chameleon Gods in Madagascar!!

Great video's...thanks for sharing!

Lol... I read somewhere in NatGeo that on this one island these people worship chameleons so that if it hisses at you, the people believe you lose your ability to speak.
I thought the dates were similar. I was an old CIN member but that issue is also available from this site's bookstore: Great videos and cool to see you here!

Thanks for that, i'm glad it's still available - i would have liked to get this stuff out there sooner but just been preoccupied with other things. I'm amazed by the fact that there is still so little information on this species in the wild (just read a thread about locale colour, casque size etc in this species, as the videos show very variable but i would hazard to guess the biggest and most colorful are around Taizz and Ibb as this area has more rainfall than anywhere else.
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