FINALLY a Retained Clutch!


New Member
After 7 months, Cami finally laid her retained clutch! 42 eggs total were laid after circling for about 6 hours in her laying bin. 41 eggs are white and puffy, 1 egg is obviously infertile. Could not believe how long it took her to have this clutch, but she is doing well and bounced back quickly!
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CONGRATULATIONS this makes me feel sum what better because i know our females had the same problems so i hope i get a retained!:p keep us updated
can you explain to me a little what a retained clutch exactly is? I'm confused with my pregnant veiled right now and am wondering if thats what she is dealing with
A retained clutch is not uncommon for bred female veileds to have. Was your female bred to a male, or is she just producing an infertile clutch? Retained clutches are, basically, the female getting rid of stored sperm within her body, and are typically laid 3-4 months after the first clutch is laid. My girl took much longer than usual.
Well my female was mated with on the 8th of july, is fat (huge!!!) and weighs 120 grams, she was mated with about 4 months ago by another male (she was just recently mated with with my male) so I'm guessing maybe she will have genetics in the eggs from both males possibly?
I can not answer your last question 100%. From what I know, there is a possibility of a retained clutch containing sperm from each male (if she was mated with 2 different males at similar times). By her weight, and by the date she was mated, I would assume that she would be ready to lay at any time. My female weighed 132g the first time she laid, and it took her 3 weeks from the initial mating to the final egg-laying step.
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