Finally finished building enclosure! Pics!!

Small fee? :rolleyes: Nevermind then, there are plenty of DIY threads on the forums where people were kind enough to take the time to share what they built, how they built it, and what it cost to do for the community to benifit from. Should we start asking for a small fee when anyone comes on here asking for advise on husbandry!?!?
I have been on multiple types of pet forums where people charge for their "instruction pamphlets" on cage making. I personally don't mind paying a bit to help cover their time and cost to make it. :)
Sorry... I didn't want to sound like a jerk. If you are going to create blueprints, and building plans, for making your cage and you want to sell and ship those to people that is cool, your choice, I wouldn't think there is really a market for that though. Reason being considering that most of the time on forums like this, people have fun taking pics of their buiding processes, what they used and how much they spent on it, and some will even provide deatiled step by steps accompanied by these pics, Then they post them for the community to enjoy, and learn from... Just to contribute to the community. It is the sharing of ideas and knowledge that makes this community so valuable. As a draftsman you may be aiming more for something like if someone wants to make a real neat custom cage, you could be contracted to draw and design their cage for them, and maybe even build it! You definatley did a great job on your cage.
i would definitely be interested in paying you for your plans so if you decide to do it i would definitely be a customer:)
Great cage! Just curious, isnt your cham too close to UV and heat?

I don't believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) a cham can be too close to UV, but I left my thermometer in Cincinnati, so I have yet to check the basking temp. I have been concerned about him climbing on the roof (which he loves to do) and being too close to the light. I think I'm going to raise the light, and get a digital thermometer/hygrometer tomorrow or friday to check all temps.
Sorry... I didn't want to sound like a jerk. If you are going to create blueprints, and building plans, for making your cage and you want to sell and ship those to people that is cool, your choice, I wouldn't think there is really a market for that though. Reason being considering that most of the time on forums like this, people have fun taking pics of their buiding processes, what they used and how much they spent on it, and some will even provide deatiled step by steps accompanied by these pics, Then they post them for the community to enjoy, and learn from... Just to contribute to the community. It is the sharing of ideas and knowledge that makes this community so valuable. As a draftsman you may be aiming more for something like if someone wants to make a real neat custom cage, you could be contracted to draw and design their cage for them, and maybe even build it! You definatley did a great job on your cage.

Don't worry about it. I see where you are coming from. I was just thinking about doing it because I'm in a production tooling and design class right now and we just went over creating product documentation and I was kind of in that mindset. But you are right, there's probably not much of a market at all, but I kind of enjoy doing stuff like that. So basically if someone wants me to make them a nice set of instructions I will, and if I get some free time I'll try and post up some basic plans etc etc.
Your great enclosure

Unlike a few of the posts, I WOULD be willing to pay a reasonable fee for detailed plans for this enclosure. It takes a lot of time to put together good plans and a small fee is most reasonable, even on a forum where we share our knowledge.
what did you use to seal the 2x2s? i used the same on my green iguana enclosure and i had a problem with mold after about 4 months.
Looks great. I hope to construct something similar in the coming months. I really like the idea of the chicken wire on the bottom. My enclosure has glass on the bottom and on 2 sides and when it comes to drainage I'm stuck with using paper towels to just soak it up. Total bummer.
I like the two tone idea, it looks very well constructed as well as asthetically pleasing. just by observation though, i know you didnt go into this build with out a plan already made out......why would you just not hook up some less construction minded people with some plans out of the goodness of your i just said goodness of your heart.....really though, i would.
grizz: i just used polyurethane. I didnt end up coating it as thick as i wanted to , so right now im just hoping its enough.
What screen material are you using for the sides of the enclosure? It looks like it's pretty rigid fine mesh that you've stapled to the inside of the wood frame.
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