finally finished the cage

some chick at the reptile convention yesterday told me that if you have too much vegetation, they will hide and become more shy and unwilling to be handled.
How old and what kind of chameleon are you housing? You need to take the substrate out because it is not needed and could cause impaction and take the water bowl out because they don't drink (and shouldn't) drink still water.
How old and what kind of chameleon are you housing? You need to take the substrate out because it is not needed and could cause impaction and take the water bowl out because they don't drink (and shouldn't) drink still water.

She is a 2-3 month old veiled.the bowl is there to catch the water drips, even though I have seen here drink from still water.
Still water can and will be a pool for bacteria and a place for them to just go to the bathroom. Its your chameleon but I would highly suggest removing the bowl and the bedding and just putting down paper towels. You can have the drip system that is fine, just aim it over a big leaf
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