Finally Got Some Pics of Ziggy


New Member
Took some patience, but after a month of owning him I finally got some pictures of Ziggy my 3 month old chameleon, from Newton the "blue" veiled chameleon.



He's looking good.....I'll ask again because I got no reply - is he named after Ziggy Stardust?
Now, you see I think he looks gorgeous, like a smaller version of my 9 month "Budgie", but you can definitely see his rib cage, just like I can always see my Budgies rib cage. I that just the normal Veiled "Look" then? Are they the Kate Moss of the Cham world because I've been worried mine is too skinny:eek:
I was thinking of a David Bowie name for mine, so he could be a Rocknroll Chameleon like the thin white duke, but I've decided that they are lizards and therefore have no need of names...:)
Aaaw he is too cute :D:)

Gizzy was just a ribby when she small, i think it is probably just the way they are. :)
My male was nearly that skinny as a 3 month old. My female has the opposite - I'm a little concerned she's getting fat so she's on a little diet........
They are all different, but there seems no need to be concerned if you can see a young veileds ribs.
Thanks for the compliments guys. Seems like everyday he gets bigger, he's twice the size he was when I first got him.
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