finally hatching silkworm eggs!


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Forgive me for being excited but I have not hatched out silkworm eggs before. These took 8 days to finally hatch.
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Congrats! Did you purchase the eggs? I got some from Mulberry Farms and hatched them - they are growing quickly.

I had some large worms - I was trying to get them to cocoon but they just starting dying.
I went in on 25000 eggs from MulberryFarms with a buddy for $90. I have had moths mate and lay eggs but none were fertile. This is the first time getting eggs to hatch and it seems to be going well. Hopefully I can get them to grow out quickly. Too many mouths to feed!
Alright man now I am one day behind. make sure and let them all hatch out befor feeding them.

Miss Lily every time I have done it I only have had maybe 10 die from hatch to breeding them I dont know why you are having such a die off:confused:how are you feeding them?
Congratulations! It is very rewarding when you breed them yourself:D I had some of my moths lay and am still waiting for them to hatch. May I ask how you knew your other eggs were infertile, was it the color? I heard stories of eggs hatching out after 5 years. I wanted to refrigerate some, but was told to wait a full month then only refrigerate the purple ones. I am still trying to figure this all out, it was a lil more complex than I first thought:rolleyes:
Alright man now I am one day behind. make sure and let them all hatch out befor feeding them.

Miss Lily every time I have done it I only have had maybe 10 die from hatch to breeding them I dont know why you are having such a die off:confused:how are you feeding them?

Yes please share your knowledge!! I too have been having a lot of die off what I have changed recently was to close the vents on the top of my enclosure until the end of the day and place the whole enclosure on top of some lights for heat. so far my baby worms have been doing well they are working on the first feeding. I read you should feed them the second time after a week is this correct (chow) make rows and then put the second feeding in between the old rows?
Alright man now I am one day behind. make sure and let them all hatch out befor feeding them.

Miss Lily every time I have done it I only have had maybe 10 die from hatch to breeding them I dont know why you are having such a die off:confused:how are you feeding them?

I already put a chunk of chow in there as soon as I saw they were hatching this morning. I hope that doesn't screw up the whole thing. Whats the reason to wait until they all hatch before feeding? The ones that were already crawling aroung went right to the chow.
I already put a chunk of chow in there as soon as I saw they were hatching this morning. I hope that doesn't screw up the whole thing. Whats the reason to wait until they all hatch before feeding? The ones that were already crawling aroung went right to the chow.

The reson why we wait is because it gives a chance to hatch with out food every where. This is just what the Silkworm shop told me a long time ago. And I just have been doing it ever since.
Also we have notice when we do feed the few that hatch first we always end up droping some food on the eggs that havent hatched.
Yes please share your knowledge!! I too have been having a lot of die off what I have changed recently was to close the vents on the top of my enclosure until the end of the day and place the whole enclosure on top of some lights for heat. so far my baby worms have been doing well they are working on the first feeding. I read you should feed them the second time after a week is this correct (chow) make rows and then put the second feeding in between the old rows?

We just put them on some platic netting that we get at home depot.I put them close to our skinks MV bulb and that lets the food dry out I have notice if you feed them then put more food on top of sill wet food and just keep doing this you get a high die off. I shred the chow with a cheese grader let them eat and will not put more food in until the old food has dryed out. since I put them close to a heat source I can feed everyday because the food drys out everyday this has seemed to work for me very well. And my tote that I keep them in is nothing great I just hot glued screen on the lide and put them in there. I also shake the poop to one side of there tote every day and once every 2 week I take a paperclip move each worm to the new netting and throw the old netting away.
Hope this helps guys.:)
We just put them on some platic netting that we get at home depot.I put them close to our skinks MV bulb and that lets the food dry out I have notice if you feed them then put more food on top of sill wet food and just keep doing this you get a high die off. I shred the chow with a cheese grader let them eat and will not put more food in until the old food has dryed out. since I put them close to a heat source I can feed everyday because the food drys out everyday this has seemed to work for me very well. And my tote that I keep them in is nothing great I just hot glued screen on the lide and put them in there. I also shake the poop to one side of there tote every day and once every 2 week I take a paperclip move each worm to the new netting and throw the old netting away.
Hope this helps guys.:)

Can you post a pic?







I use the same totes for the moths. and the last pic You can see were I shahe the poop and old dry food thats lose to the side were the heat is the every 2 weeks I clean them.

hope all this helps guys
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