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Manhattan Beach, CA!

I'm co-founder of the South Bay Chameleon Keepers group (SBCK). Watch for the next meeting invite to come out next weekend for the August 31st meeting. It will be similar to this meeting invite: but Brad gave me permission to post it in the General Disucssion section rather than the Lizard Lounge section since this forum's Search Engine has trouble with the Lounge section :eek:.
College Station, Texas

Doesn't seem like there's many keepers on here from Texas :( But it's just until I finish vet school, then my husband and I are off to Colorado hopefully!
I love cali, i wanna move there HELLA bad.
BUT im stuck here with school and my hubby likes the weather here better :/

Plus I think perfect stance is real big there in cali. Id love to get in on that.

If you move here your gonna have to not use the word 'hella' LOL.... people will know your from the north pacific if you don't hahaah :D:p
wow i just woke up

I slept for about 8 hrs and it went from 8 replies to this thanks guys!!! Hope its helped at least one of you!!!:D
any one now how to start one of those voting post I want to see what state country etc is most common for cham owners..
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