I took our 10 month old male panther for his first check up earlier this week and I have to say although the vet was very nice I didn't feel that he was really knowledgeable. I really only wanted reassurance that he looked healthy and that I've been doing everything right. My concerns came from him asking me if I knew if it was male or female, now I am new to panthers but I was pretty sure at that age its easy to tell. I also asked him if he could show me how to open his mouth should I ever need to...he pulled down on the skin under his chin and had a finger on his nose to try and get him to open up. I thought I had read somewhere not to do that? Any thoughts would be appreciated, he was off the list for reptile specialist. I have since called the closest reptile store that I really like and got another recommendation from them. Any thoughts? Am I just overreacting?