First Gravid Cham - Health Questions

  • Your Chameleon - Female veiled, about 2.5 years old. Got her from a home where she wasn’t being taken care of (no supplements, small enclosure, 10 large crickets a day)
  • Handling - Before she started showing she would run out onto my arm every other day so I could feed her
  • Feeding - Crickets, 7 every other day. Down to 5 since she showed signs of being gravid. Gutloading with a variety of leafy greens. She was vastly overweight when I first got her, slimmed down a lot though
  • Supplements - I use calcium with LoD every feeding
  • Watering - I have a fogger and mister I run for about 50% of the night, I disinfect them weekly. I also have a dripper I fill periodically throughout the day. I see her drink from the dripper a few times a week
  • Fecal Description - March 24 she had a massive dropping (photo included), before that everything was normal. For the past week she’s been passing often (once a day), but very small urates/droppings

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Normally she’s in a 36”x36”x48” screen enclosure, few live plants and lots of horizontal perches. Right now I have her in a “laying box”-the original 18”x18”x24” glass enclosure with a screen top
  • Lighting - I have a 60W halogen, max temp in both enclosures right around 85F. I also have a 12” t5.0 UVB
  • Temperature - Floor gets down to about 65 in the day (ambient for the house). At night the whole enclosure is around that. I have a digital thermometer/humidity meter
  • Humidity - I’ve measured the fogger at up to 60% humidity, but I believe that’s because water condenses on the sensor. At her usual sleeping spot at night (under a leaf) it’s around 40%
  • Plants - Dracanea and pothos
  • Placement - top of the cage is about 7’ off the floor, in the living room. Lots of leaf coverage
  • Location - North Alberta

    Hey everyone. Was just hoping for some opinions on my female cham. About two weeks ago she started showing lots of orange and pacing the very bottom of her enclosure. Unfortunately she showed no interest at all in the laying bin (flower pot about 15” deep and 12” diameter), and would just paw at the very bottom of the floor. She would also insist on climbing the screen (even with several branches/vines to every part of her enclosure) which looks like it broke some of her claws.
    I decided to make her a “laying box” out of her old combo enclosure. I have over 12” of organic dirt/sand in one half, and a box in the other (didn’t have enough soil to make it deep across the whole thing and can’t find an open hardware store). I have her lights on there but not mister/fogger (seems like the dripper and the screen and occasionally leaving the doors open for extra ventilation keep humidity good). She was dark yesterday and is still dark today. She hasn’t shown any interest in the dirt half of her enclosure, just been pawing at the cardboard corners of the new one. I put up towels on the back half of the glass (making sure not to cover any screen at the top). If I’m home walking around I put one down over the front, but when I’m at work I’m planning on keeping it flipped up. I was hoping if anyone had any more recommendations to make sure the laying process goes as smoothly as possible. Thanks!


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Why do you have a cardboard box in the cage with the lid shut?

I didn’t have enough dirt for the whole enclosure, so I put the box in to cover half of it, so the dirt on the other half would be twice as deep. Figured it would be better than just 6” deep
I see!
Your chameleon has a different shape to her than is normal for a gravid chameleon. I don't know what that means. Sorry.
I see!
Your chameleon has a different shape to her than is normal for a gravid chameleon. I don't know what that means. Sorry.

Yeah I’ve tried massaging her belly, don’t feel any lumps at all. Just bizarre she’s been evacuating her bowels and spent so long at the bottom of her enclosure. I’ll give her another few days in there, if she hasn’t dug any test holes I’m planning on booking with a vet
Good to know thank you! Was she eating right up until she laid? My girl still acts like shes starving, but she's definitely more grouchy about coming onto my hand to get fed
mine stopped eating for about a week prior to laying her clutch, she was very active though, walking all over the place
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