First Panther Chameleon Started to Hatch


New Member
I have a question...earlier today my wife noticed that we had our first baby hatching..I have kept an eye on it all day and its still in the egg with its head barely out! how long till it is fully out?

the other eggs are all still fat and havent shriveled up yet...they were layed on october 6th last year!

Am I doing something wrong?
They can sit fully pipped for a few days. In my experience I have never had one not hatch after fully pipping. Its when the egg sweats and shrinks without fully opening on the end that they have a problem. Just check on the baby several times a day and you will find him or her walking around the bin. Good luck! Babies are fun.
Sooo another question... he or she is finally out of the egg... however it is covered in vermiculite and not doing alot of moving just yet how do I make certain it is okayy? and should I rinse the vermiculite off it?
You will know very soon if it is ok. It will start exploring its surroundings.
The vermiculite will come off as it walks around.
I will as soon as I get home in your guys"s opinion. How long should these lil guys stay in the egg bin and when should I start offering them food? Thanks!
I will as soon as I get home in your guys"s opinion. How long should these lil guys stay in the egg bin and when should I start offering them food? Thanks!

Obviously after I get them to there new home! Which should be? :D
Does anyone have any tips...How long after these babies are fully out of their eggs do I move them to their new home and offer them food? I have fruit flies and pin head crickets, but can I feed them the tiny, tiny (barely born) Dubia Roaches?

Here is 1 photo so far!

Hey everyone here is a pic...I will post more as they all hatch! Enjoy:D


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I do not do females, however I have witnessed my friend lightly spraying with warm water to remove the vermiculite and then put them in their bins.
some have said wait a day or two to feed, others have fed right away.
Sorry, didn't see a page 2, I'm sure someone has already helped you with this
I do not do females, however I have witnessed my friend lightly spraying with warm water to remove the vermiculite and then put them in their bins.
some have said wait a day or two to feed, others have fed right away.
Sorry, didn't see a page 2, I'm sure someone has already helped you with this

Awesome!! Thanks for the tip :D
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