First shed and turning black??


New Member
So my adolescent veiled female chameleon, Amber has begun her first shedding today.
She's about 4months old and I keep her climate about 85°F daytime. I don't handle her other than hand feeding her from my palm.
She was doing fine until I walked out of my room for 2minutes and when I came back she was an extremely dark green with large black splotches over her body. I got worried and checked everything, her habitats climate hadn't changed nor humidity and after about one minute she started to turn light again. I kept and eye on her and about 5 minutes after when she had finally regained her color of light green, I saw what seemed like, she almost fell off of her basking branch in the top of her habitat. She caught her self and wobbled for a second then proceeded to stay there and hasn't moved but a little since and now she is currently asleep there..
I have no idea what happened but any help would be much appreciated.
The photo was taken before the color changing incident .


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My guess is that she turned dark from stress. Shedding is a very upsetting and uncomfortable process for chameleons. I mean, imagine if your entire body just started flaking. Plus, if you were watching her for an extended period of time, that may have contributed as well. It helps to give them some privacy during this time. You mentioned that the cage is 85 f. Is that the basking or the ambient? If it's the ambient, your temps are way to hot. Also, make sure you increase the humidity while she is shedding, to ease the process. If your still concerned, you can fill out the How To Ask for Help form provided in the Health section.
Thank you for the answer. And when I said 85° that's her basking lamp temp:) I got up this morning and her shed is almost completely done
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