First shed questions!!


New Member
Hi peeps I've had my Cham now a week n a half all is going well. He shed yesterday but I just missed it :-(
He's got about three inches of skin still on the end of his tail and a couple of tiny flakes on his body will all this come off on its own in time? Heres a couple of pics after he shed!!


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it should.
just up the mistings, and raise your humidity a bit, and all should be well.

nice guy you got there!
Thanks I will do that then I've noticed already the flakes are off! He's lovely ain't he but still don't know what to call him yet!!! Those deep blues came out this shed can't wait for his nxt one. He's about seven months how often should they shed? Cheers
Thanks I will do that then I've noticed already the flakes are off! He's lovely ain't he but still don't know what to call him yet!!! Those deep blues came out this shed can't wait for his nxt one. He's about seven months how often should they shed? Cheers

hes very handsome!

names can be hard, my male veiled when through 3 names before i settled on Kink, and that waas cuz he had a kink in his tail.

at that age, he can shed every month, or every other. they start to slow down.
and as adults, they dont do fulll body sheds. they can and often do, shed their head, then an arm, then their tail, maybe a foot here.. it can take weeks to finsih and it can seem like they are in a constant state of shed.

my guy, hes just over a a year, shed just his nose.
Cheers guys I've just been up to mist him again, he hates it if I accidentally get him with the mister he just hissed a bit and scarpered away lol yeah I knew they started to shed in bits as they get older but when are they classed as adults/mature? I'm hoping he has a few more body sheds so I mite see it this time :)
Hi, my 4 month old veiled has just shed for the first time with me. I was under the impression that making them moist when they're shedding can lead to possible fungal infections so I turned my mister down for the day?

I'm now super confused reading the above! :/
i only name my chams after them turning 1 year old and me owning them for at least 2 monthes, with one exeption, valaria, shes 8 monthes old, and she doesnt like anyone, me, my gf, my friends, all exept my friend valary. we have always called her valaria as a sort of dramatic name, i have no idea why, but yea, thats why i named her after her
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