First Strike!


Avid Member
So Jasper is on his first cricket stike. He is though still trying to eat the dragon plant (which I hate), but he will not touch the crickets. I know time heals all but I need to know how much time I should give him with out crickets? 1-2 days?
I would not suggest "denying" the chameleon of food, as in just plain not offering. Thats more likely to be considered punishment than a food strike.

You should still offer him crickets every day ( or whatever is your usual well balanced schedule ) and they should still be gutloaded. The strike is on his end, as keepers we don't really get the right to have a strike :eek:

When he gets hungry enough, he will eat the crickets again, just offer food until he does.
Or... You could add some variety into his diet. Try something new instead of plain, boring crickets. I bet your chameleon would appreciate it. :)

Well of course he could do that :)

My point was to offer food until he eats, not just say "oh I won't give him food then if hese on a strike".

Many people make that mistake and end up with an Emaciated animal.
I know to offer him different feeders but he does not touch silk worms, he lovers supers but I can not use those to much because of the fatty content. I am going to order some horn worms or some wax worms today but it will take a few days. I also know chameleons do not eat every day in the wild so then why would it be bad not to offer for a day or two? I just read a thread that its ok to do so, so is it really bad to do?
if he's on cricket strike i wouldn't go near wax worms, they are a once in a while treat and if you give him one of those you may find thats all he wants and make it worse. my veiled Dave stop eating crickets so i swapped them out for locusts he likes them and chows down on them, they also go all over the place which is good for honing his hunting skills
if he's on cricket strike i wouldn't go near wax worms, they are a once in a while treat and if you give him one of those you may find thats all he wants and make it worse. my veiled Dave stop eating crickets so i swapped them out for locusts he likes them and chows down on them, they also go all over the place which is good for honing his hunting skills

Locusts.... Where do you get yours?
How old is Jasper now? I might have missed his age but it might be time to start feeding every other day. I started Luie every other day around 9 to 10 months.
He is around 7 or 8 months old... I will try that thanks Jan!!! You see it's not worrying me like I think he is sick or anything, becasue I know they do this I just dont want him to hate me more than he already does lol :D

How old is Jasper now? I might have missed his age but it might be time to start feeding every other day. I started Luie every other day around 9 to 10 months.
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