First time free range backfires!!??


Avid Member
Let my new 4 month old panther out of his cage for the first time last weekend.
He was out for several hours before being escorted (reluctantly) back home.

So, since that time, now he knows there is a world outside his cage, he likes it, and he wants more!!
So, he spends much of his waking hours going to the spot at the cage door, where he knows freedom awaits. But he can not find passage, and this makes him rather pissed off!!

When I come home from work, he heads straight for the cage door, seeing me triggered that response, but he cant figure out why he cant get out!!

I walk up to his cage, talk to him a bit, he gives me the stink eye.
I open the door, slowly extend my flattened hand to him, face away, and arm slanted upwards, towards "freedom", but he stares at me, chin all puffed up, and ready to bolt away to a hiding place.

He is just learning to associate seeing me, the opening of the cage, and my hand, with goodies.
When I bring his food, I make sure he sees that I am giving him food, "seeeee, hand....cup...foooood", but he usually backs away, slowly, until I close the door and step away.

He seems more preoccupied with finding that "way out", then eating his food!

Not sure what coarse of action to take :confused:

What would you do?
My younger panther is like that, too. He'll eat out of my hand, but if I get near him with my hand other than food he puffs up and gapes, I'm hoping he grows out of it as he gets bigger. My older guy, doesn't want to be picked up, but doesn't get all worked up about it. I was going to try free ranging the younger one, but he needs to calm down a little first. I honestly think if I tried to pick him up, he'd do a nose dive to get away.
Well, I do have green gloves and shirt, maybe I will try to get him on my hand again today.

Letting them out for the first time really starts something.

I just want him to be able to some how associate me with goodness, like food, and being let out.
Okay, second time out of cage. Sunday morning I opened his door, he was watching me, I was standing a few feet away, he slowly crept forward, got to very edge, and quickly bolted for the vine which is attached to his cage and to the free range.
I let him explore all day, and at 3pm, he parked himself in the same spot as before, and curled up his tail.
I would have let him spend the night, but as this is only his 2nd time out, I need to supervise.
So, had a real problem getting him back home!

The stick idea does not work btw, when you hold it up them them, they hiss, puff up, and try to bite it.
I even glued some fake leaves on it, but he still thought it was a threat.
I found the best way is to use my bare hands, flatten one hand, try to get it under him, no go! I had to chase him around a bit, but he did not hiss at my hand.
I finally got him on the back of my hand and put him back home!!

He was more calm than the first time, and once home, he setteled down and did not seem pissed off at me.
I fed him right away, and he did not mind my hand at all.

Also, I REALLY wish I had a camera ready, because when he saw that stick, he colored up like I have never seen before!! he was like a multicolored, stripped and specked neon sign :eek:

To bad I only get to see his colors when he is stressed :eek:
Let my new 4 month old panther out of his cage for the first time last weekend.
He was out for several hours before being escorted (reluctantly) back home.

So, since that time, now he knows there is a world outside his cage, he likes it, and he wants more!!
So, he spends much of his waking hours going to the spot at the cage door, where he knows freedom awaits. But he can not find passage, and this makes him rather pissed off!!

When I come home from work, he heads straight for the cage door, seeing me triggered that response, but he cant figure out why he cant get out!!

I walk up to his cage, talk to him a bit, he gives me the stink eye.
I open the door, slowly extend my flattened hand to him, face away, and arm slanted upwards, towards "freedom", but he stares at me, chin all puffed up, and ready to bolt away to a hiding place.

He is just learning to associate seeing me, the opening of the cage, and my hand, with goodies.
When I bring his food, I make sure he sees that I am giving him food, "seeeee, hand....cup...foooood", but he usually backs away, slowly, until I close the door and step away.

He seems more preoccupied with finding that "way out", then eating his food!

Not sure what coarse of action to take :confused:

What would you do?
Welcome to my world , psycho.

I adore my pets and love to take them out to hold them as often as I can.
A side effect of this is they know there is more outside the cage. They all have large vivs. Lots of live plants and room to roam around. Doesn't seem to matter. Every morning we must go through the hold me routine.
I do let them outside on their ficus trees as much as I can. ( I live in PA ) still pretty chilly here!
Consider yourself lucky that these wonderful reptiles trust you enough to hold them and let them out.
Actually, Slinky is my only cham that is still wild and does not yet trust me.
He will get on my hand, with a little prodding, but lets me know he doesnt like it.
He doesnt try to bite, he just gaps a little, no head slapping or anything like that.
He is slowly getting better though, just needs more time.
My other chams practicly jump on me when I open their cages, and my jax loves to ride around on my shoulder. I cant get him off sometimes.
I have one like this my Ki.
He dislikes being held. Bit me once so I am careful now when I hold him. I still put him outside but use these to get him there.
Granted their teeth are small but I don't want to be startled and drop him so I use the gloves. They were not expensive. Rubber coated stretchy fabric, so tight to the hand. I don't worry about him biting and he does not seem so afraid to be held and moved since the color is green like foliage
Maybe this is a solution for you.
Yeah, I saw your green gloves in a previous post and went Google shopping for a pair. Couldnt find them!! great idea though.
He hasnt made any move to bite me, and he doesnt try to run away in a panic, he just gapes at me :eek:
I think in time, after more handling, he will get used to it. He may never like it, but maybe at least he will stop protesting and realize there is no point in it ;)
Yeah, I saw your green gloves in a previous post and went Google shopping for a pair. Couldnt find them!! great idea though.
He hasnt made any move to bite me, and he doesnt try to run away in a panic, he just gapes at me :eek:
I think in time, after more handling, he will get used to it. He may never like it, but maybe at least he will stop protesting and realize there is no point in it ;)
Got them at an ACE hardware store in the gardening section.
Hope he gets better. Ki I think will always be a bit anti-social but I love him just the same.
I'm going to go get a pair! Otto actually put 2 feet on my arm! He's afraid of my fingers, though, so I had to hide my hand in my sleeve. He really wants to go on the free range. For him to even put one foot on my arm was HUGE progress. I'm so excited!
LOL mine is good to go as long as no one is wearing sleeves. If you got a sweater or hoodie on, they wont come near you.

Next up is taming the frilled lizard. Hand raised from egg, i bought 45 days old. Dropper watered by hand every day. Since hes a year old hes a wild man. Cant pick up or hand feed. The only way you would know its not a WC is he still dropper waters every day...
I'm going to go get a pair! Otto actually put 2 feet on my arm! He's afraid of my fingers, though, so I had to hide my hand in my sleeve. He really wants to go on the free range. For him to even put one foot on my arm was HUGE progress. I'm so excited!
For whatever reason they mine and your seems are afraid of skin color. Mine doesn't mind the green of the gloves so it just lead to that conclusion.
Ki breeder is excellent and he warned me that he couldn't be held. I wanted him for his lineage, but for some reason he hates hands and skin color.
The gloves solved the problem of how to touch him or move him without him freekin' out on me. If youget the gloves , highly recmd all green if you can find them.

LOL mine is good to go as long as no one is wearing sleeves. If you got a sweater or hoodie on, they wont come near you.

Next up is taming the frilled lizard. Hand raised from egg, i bought 45 days old. Dropper watered by hand every day. Since hes a year old hes a wild man. Cant pick up or hand feed. The only way you would know its not a WC is he still dropper waters every day...
Try the gloves
I'm telling ya they were a lifesaver. I considered even getting rid of him before the gloves. He was so mean.
He is so much better now.
Lisa, I think you're absolutely right. I have an Ace right down the street. I'm going to head over there tomorrow morning and see if they have some. I think green is the most non-threatening color for these guys. I hope it works. :) Otto was raised by a small hobby breeder, and I know he was well taken care of. I think it's just how some chameleons are. Beautiful and wild. :D
I bought my panther 3 weeks ago and they handled their chams often so hes rlly good in that sense (got lucky with that one) ive taken him out 3-5 times a week and brought him outside for a few mins twice when it was a little warmer. Past few days hes been trying to climb out like crazyyy, so havent handled him much this week, today took him out was a bit hesitant to first come onto my hand but when he did never seen him move so fast up my arm and away from the cage. hes obsessed with trying to get higher and higher but doesnt have an issue with skin, clothes, even got into my hair one time
Lisa, I think you're absolutely right. I have an Ace right down the street. I'm going to head over there tomorrow morning and see if they have some. I think green is the most non-threatening color for these guys. I hope it works. :) Otto was raised by a small hobby breeder, and I know he was well taken care of. I think it's just how some chameleons are. Beautiful and wild. :D
Keep us posted. I'd like to see if this method helps anyone else.

Talk to you tomorrow : )
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