First weigh in


New Member
I finally got a scale and decided to get some weights on my veileds. The female weighs in at 91 grams and the male is 84 grams. I've had them since the beginning of January and I believe they should be approx 5 months.

These photos were taken today for a visual. I had the female out first and the male saw her and really threw out some major color.


Both are very nice chams. He did get a tad excited didn't he? Looks like your ff's are doing well. Thanks for reminding me I need to start more.:( I had them there for a size reference. That rack they're on hangs on the back of the door and was used for videos (VHS). It has 5 shelves and each shelf can hold 3. I need a lot of fruit flies for my mantid. It's very convenient. They start fresh at the bottom and work their way up as they start producing.
Here's another video where I was having a little fun trying to get the male down.
It's been about a week and I weighed them before their lights out, tonight. The female is now 100 grams (+9 grams) and the male is 90 grams (+6 grams). Is this a healthy gain? Too little? Too much? They seem healthy and have one hell of a grip. Just curious about weight gain. Thanks
I guess unless you are killing your chameleon you don't get much feedback or response.:mad: It seems people can't wait to jump in and tell you everything you're doing wrong. But try to stay ahead of the game and be pro-active and get zilch.
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