

New Member
i just got my first vield female got a small uv-b light and a moonlight heat lamp set up anything i need to look for and can some people give me a quick rundown on supplements. feeding, light schedules stuff like that
Chameleon Info:
• Your Chameleon – Female Veiled Chameleon, not sure on age
Handling – just basic handling to get her home and in her new cage so far
• Feeding –just got a few small crickets for now
• Supplements –none yet
• Watering – plan to mist 3-4 times a day with a spray bottle (eveually getting auto mister)
• Fecal Description – has not pooped since i got her about 5 hours ago
• History -

Cage Info:
• Cage Type – 24l”x12w”x26h” screen cage
• Lighting – 2- 6" heat lamp type fixtures 1 has Repti glo 5.0 13W bulb other has 50w night glo
• Temperature –
• Humidity – 55% right now
• Plants – One Hibiscus.
• Placement – end table in the corner of my house on the 3rd story right next to a window (blinds are usually closed)
• Location – So. Cal
Newguy, Hi! Note that your "moonlight" isn't needed....Chameleons benefit from a dark, cool night. If your house gets cold (like, you have to pull on a robe and put on slippers to go to the bathroom at night) then you'll need to provide some heat for the cage. It should be a dark heat source like a ceramic heater and it shouldn't heat too hot...aim for about 15-20 degrees below your regular daylight temp.
i was just reading DavidBuchan's link about care and my apartment is typically always 75-79F so i realistically shouldn't need any heat source for now right?
and going on the laying bin what works well? i see i can used washed play sand but just use like a tupperware type thing? and if i put a male in the cage will i get babies?
Washed play sand that you can get at WalMart, Home Depot or Lowes...put it in a 12x12x12 ish bin...tupperware type is perfect. You should put that in once she's 5 months old, as you are unsure, better safe than sorry, put it in now.

When she is receptive (which her colors will tell you....I believe darker, more contrasty but check around for better info on that) you could introduce a male and get fertile eggs.

Don't bring a male in before she's "in the mood" because they might fight and you don't need them injuring each other.

Mating should sort of be viewed as "conjungal visits" just happens for a short time.

So, the male needs his own cage.

You do not want the male in the cage once the female is, indeed, pregnant.
i was just reading DavidBuchan's link about care and my apartment is typically always 75-79F so i realistically shouldn't need any heat source for now right?
Definitely no extra heat needed if those are your night time temps. 60F is the lowest I let it get here, and that's playing safe enough....:)
and going on the laying bin what works well? i see i can used washed play sand but just use like a tupperware type thing? and if i put a male in the cage will i get babies?
Tupperware is fine. It's best to keep Veiled Chameleons separately though, whether you want to breed them or not. They are solitary and will likely get stressed.
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so just outta curiosity people have 2-3 chams in one cage the lps by me even have a veiled and a panther in the same cage how do they pull that off?
so just outta curiosity people have 2-3 chams in one cage the lps by me even have a veiled and a panther in the same cage how do they pull that off?

Either by having ginormous enclosures or by endangering their chameleons.

Better safe than sorry is a truism.

Don't do it unless you are very, very, very, very experienced...note all the "very"s in there....
You don't mention the size of container you're using for her to dig in to lay her eggs. It should be opaque and at least 12" x 12" x 6".
You asked about putting a male in there and babies.

They can lay eggs at 5 months old this does not mean they should/can be breed at that age. That would be more like a teen age pregnancy :( young teen.

Welcome to the forums. I know you have a vast amount of information in front of you from the fantastic Links David gave you. All of it is important but all of it is not priority 1. Learn from the links and adjust what you have, best of luck to you and your Cham :)
here is a few pictures of my setup/cham

is it normal for her to pretty much sit under the heat lamp all day in the same general spot?

and when i threw crickets in there she waited until they came to her and got them will she travel to the ground to pick them up? or do they usually eat off the screen?


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sorry here you go the right way :D


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my cham will do the same thing wait till they get close or chase after them depends on how hungry he is i suppose
She's a cutie! Looks real nice from here, as long as your temps are ok its fine for her to just sit there. She'll probably become a bit more active as she settles in, but female Veileds generally don't do a lot of unnecessary moving.........
You could put a few branches in there (thin enough for her to get her little feet round). Some horizontal 'highways' so she can explore easier.......
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