fiscal shrike

An interesting note about this species of bird. I saw an old rerun of animal planets "most extreme" last night and these guys made number 4or5 on the list. They will actually take their pray and screwer the lizard onto a large thorn of some type. They are not strong enough to hold their pray with their feet and tear it apart so they use the thorn as a "tool" to hold the food item wile they pic at it. They also have learned that by putting a large toxic species of grasshopper on these thorns or barbs and letting the sun roast them, it detoxifies the toxin and makes them safe to eat.

This species of bird is very intelligent.

hahaha co2 fun kill the effin birds this is what i do to get the squirrels out of my garage :)

edit: pure i actually got to shot the Dillion minigun when the SHOT show came into town 2 or 3 years ago :) the bullets are expesive due to fast igniting primers and having to be linked unfortunatly Dillion co. changed the gears from 3000rpm (rounds per minute) to 2000rpm but it was still funnier than all hell
laurie i would love to go on hunt for buffalo. Buffalo steaks are bomb and i actually just got a buck 2 weeks ago in the ruby mountains of nevada and my father a huge bull elf out of elko

lol thanks i meant elk
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