hello everybody,
i am not new to the cham world... just to this breed...
ok.. so i just got reptar settled in he is a 2 to 3 month old flapped neck..
2 questions
1. how to tell the sex .. i do know it has something to do with the barbs on the feet..
2. the difference in care between the veileds wich ive cared for and the flapped neck ....
and also if any other flapped neck owners check this out post pics please... i will later today
i am not new to the cham world... just to this breed...
ok.. so i just got reptar settled in he is a 2 to 3 month old flapped neck..
2 questions
1. how to tell the sex .. i do know it has something to do with the barbs on the feet..
2. the difference in care between the veileds wich ive cared for and the flapped neck ....
and also if any other flapped neck owners check this out post pics please... i will later today