Flexarium Questions

LOL The Phone Booth! Yup, thats the one alright. Why the two heat globes?
Poor gradient? didnt warm ambient air in the top half enough? Is it cold where you are? Just curious.

Still sorta thinking about it, would need bricks under bottom frame, so I could put catch trays beneath, two slats to sit plants on so they dont stretch the fabric (zippers again) at bottom.

Getting in and out without insects escaping a problem? I could probably build a frame for lights/dripper (thanks for that idea the person who posted the pic) It would have to be sitting on bricks on the carpet though (top would still be above my eye height, my table is smaller than the flex floor area.

To keep the temps where they needed to be did require an additional 75w sun glo from what I already had, therefore 2 were used. I have a soft tray in the bottom, and it sits directly on the carpeted flood with out issues. The water if any wicks at the bottom, and is easly removed when needed. My light rack has a dripper platform along with 2 8 1/2" ceramic fixtures, and just aft of them is a 36" florescent fixture. The framework is stronger them you would imagine and can support quite a load without any sagging. I hung larger branches and decor from the frame, not the screen. When you open the cage for feeding you only need to unzip 1/4 of the cage to gain access, bugs are in a feeder cup so none escape. I would buy this cage again if needed, it was a good value. I do recommend a misting system for a cage of this size, its alot to hand mist. The picture above is old and the cage now has a 2 nozzle mistking set-up along with additional trees. I will try to get you a picture when I get home.:)

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