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Hey everyone...I've been in Canada for holidays and boy oh boy the two chams have grown. They seem to be doing just fine on the darn meal worms so I guess I won't worry about them being the only food they eat.I I'm gonna have to replace the enclosures soon but I want to fuss with these ones too. There is moss on the bottom and I'm sure I read somewhere that there should be nothing on the ground of the enclosure because they might digest it and get blocked up? True or false and what should I do. I've been googleing around for a while trying to find out specific info about the floor of the enclosures so please tell me or show me the ideal options
Well with limited access to things, or at least difficult to find things, I managed to find a glue gun and spent several hours pulling out all that soil and moss and cleaning everything up and glue-gunned the sticks in place. Created so much more room and no meal worms digging down in the soil and easy to pick up poop. Good job Globug. Success!
I just had this discussion with a few people the other day and one of the most attractive floors is laminate tile flooring squares, they're easy to cut and self adhesive and super easy to wipe clean
I use artificial turf. Nice n green and easy to clean. (Hey I just rhymed):)

That's exactly what I was using and I loved it. It added such a great splash of green in the cage. but I switched to the tile floor that looks like hardwood and it looks pretty darn sharp...basically to the OP it's up to u to use whatever u want as long as the Cham can't grab it up with his or her tongue;-p
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