Flukers bulk crickets


New Member
Not sure if anyone here has used them for bulk (1000) crickets...but I tried them last order and I was impressed.

Super low death count when I opened the package. I lost maybe 5-10 and 3 were on the lid smashed. They actully seemed to live quite a bit longer as well. Just my first impression Im ordering another batch to see how well they work this time. On the site they state they are a hybrid cricket meant to endure a little better. While not the cheapest after the shipping.....I think overall the quality and longevity is better.

I had normally bought from a local guy....but the last two times Ive bought from him anywhere from 1/3-1/2 were dead. Those lil knats were everywhere and they smelled.
Interesting, thanks for the heads up. Wonder if there is any truth to the "hybrid cricket" claim. Keep us posted!
I don't much care for flukers myself. Shipping is expensive, the crickets were the wrong size, it took seemingly forever and the time I had a bunch of dead crickets response was slow on a refund request. They finally offered store credit on the crickets, not including shipping. Needless to say I didn't use that credit and went somewhere else.
I buy all my crickets from LLLReptile now and I love them. I always get my crickets by Wednesday and I know the shipping before I order because 2-day is included in the price. They last also, I've raised 1/8" crix to 1" when I only had the one chameleon. Now I order 3 sizes with my little zoo :p Now LLL just needs to keep Silkworms in stock and I'm set (You hear that LLL!)
But I hope Fluker's works well for others.
I order from the cricket factory ive had 3 shipments and honestly not one dead cricket no joke maybe there might of been one and missed it but honestly great service. their in CA and im in AZ 10.50 for 1k crickets 1 dollar for a cool pack shipping starts at 6.50.
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