Fly Larvae

Quick Question, Wayyyy back in time when I had reptiles I use to order Flies they were in the stage right before they hatch so all I did was put them in a jar and wait... I am now back into having reptiles and ordered Live fly larvae which I know I can keep in fridge for a bit , my question is the larvae I take out and put in a jar .. do you actually feed the larvae or only after they hatch into flies , feed the flies?
You can feed the larva and the flies. The pupae don't move so I don't know if they would draw the chameleons attention.

Yes I know the pupae dont move I was just curious do you feed the live larvae before it turns into pupae and than feed the hatching flies or just feed the flies that hatched .
Either, I personally just feed the flies. After they turn into flies, put your jar in the fridge for a minute then you can dust and feed accordingly.

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