New chameleon

When they’re older, they shed less frequent. Bella only sheds once or twice a year. Because of her poor conditions before you she didn’t shed correctly but this should go away during her next shed. Just keep a close eye on it that it doesn’t starts to infect or something.
Her mouth still looks concerning, like it has an infection in it and I’m slowly guessing it could be a broken jaw. Her eating and shooting at bugs is still normal?
Yes she can eat and shoot her tongue normally the first week i brought her she couldn't shoot her tongue far but it's been normal for the rest of her time with me (about 2 months)
I wonder if that is a burn on her head. That’s what it sounds and looks like. Just let it come off on its own. If there is no skin and it’s an open wound beneath, you can apply a small dab of plain antibiotic ointment - the kind that has no pain relief or anything else added in it. I agree with @Sonny13 that her jaw might be broken and infected. The scab is still there, which means it isn’t healing well. I really wish you had a vet that could see her. Keep doing what you’re doing and hopefully she’ll heal up.
Could it be because she liked a tight spot between the green net and the wooden door and she got injured there? The door is pretty old and rough but i did block that space and she no longer go there
I just woke up today and found a really disturbing thing one of her fingers got twisted or something i tried to gently press it back to place but a stopped when i had a reaction because i assumed it was painfull what do you think i should do?


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I just woke up today and found a really disturbing thing one of her fingers got twisted or something i tried to gently press it back to place but a stopped when i had a reaction because i assumed it was painfull what do you think i should do?
That looks almost as if it's been broken... Is there anything in the enclosure she could catch a finger on?
That looks almost as if it's been broken... Is there anything in the enclosure she could catch a finger on?
Mostly branches and that greens net they use for plants which i don't think is strong enough to break her finger like that
Btw she really walks on the floor of her place a lot and as you can see it's not good for a chameleon tk walk on it maybe thats why?


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What about the blue net thing? Is it possible she caught her little hand in that?
Mostly branches and that greens net they use for plants which i don't think is strong enough to break her finger like that
Btw she really walks on the floor of her place a lot and as you can see it's not good for a chameleon tk walk on it maybe thats why?
What about the blue net thing? Is it possible she caught her little hand in that?
What do you think i should do? Do i try and put it back in place or just leave it as it is? Because i didn't get that bad of reaction when i tried it was just movement no hissing or anything
I’m sorry that happened to your beautiful little girl. I’d just keep a close eye on her and her set up and see if you can figure out what it was. My boy kept getting his nails caught once in his enclosure and I had to do the same thing for him.
What do you think i should do? Do i try and put it back in place or just leave it as it is? Because i didn't get that bad of reaction when i tried it was just movement no hissing or anything
I would leave it as is I think from reading that when you tried that earlier she reacted to it. I’m not a vet so that is my uneducated opinion.

Can you get a better pic of her hand without disturbing her too much?
Could it be because she liked a tight spot between the green net and the wooden door and she got injured there? The door is pretty old and rough but i did block that space and she no longer go there
No, it looks more like a burn than anything else. Do you have a heat light for her? She may have gotten too close to it. I know that in many places (in Europe mainly) it is the standard practice to keep the lights inside the enclosure, which is a huge risk for burns. If you have a heat light, you want there to be no way at all for her to get too close to it. You also want it to be cool enough so that if you hold your hand beneath it at the closest she can get to it, your hand won’t get uncomfortably hot after a few minutes. When you have her outside, make sure she has plenty of shaded area to go to if she needs.
What do you think i should do? Do i try and put it back in place or just leave it as it is? Because i didn't get that bad of reaction when i tried it was just movement no hissing or anything
Poor girl! Ouch! I’m going to say to just leave it as it is. Trying to put it back in place is only going to hurt her. You will need to watch that toe and foot for signs that the circulation has gone bad or signs of infection. For circulation, if it has gone bad, the area will turn dark and then eventually black. If that happens, without veterinary care the very best case would be for it to dry up and fall off on its own. The worst case is infection, which it would be swollen (and possibly oozing) and could possibly spread throughout her whole body and she’d pass away. :(
I believe I do see a small wound on her foot. If you have some betadine or iodine, you can carefully clean the wound and put some antibiotic ointment or cream. Then dilute the betadine or iodine in a half and half solution with some water and gently clean it daily and apply fresh antibiotic ointment. You’ll need to use Q tips/cotton buds for all of this.
I’m not a veterinarian or anything even close to one, so I can’t promise that my advice is correct. I am however a nurse for humans and have experience caring for wounds on humans. (I think I told you this before or I’m having Deja vu).
I just woke up today and found a really disturbing thing one of her fingers got twisted or something i tried to gently press it back to place but a stopped when i had a reaction because i assumed it was painfull what do you think i should do?
My girl has one finger the same way like yours as long as I have her and I don’t when it happened or if she was born this way. But, I agree @MissSkittles don't do anything with it.
Hello again i've been feeding her mealworms, moths, locusts and beetles also i brought grass to the enclosure to add humidity and cool down the temperature and i noticed she is staying near the ground these days i've done a small research and i think it's because she's looking for a place to lay her eggs because she's been looking all over the enclosure and frequently wanted to get out of it (i think they call it the receptive period) and i learned that chameleons can eat slugs and snails and snails are a really good source of calcium with their shells should i bring her a small one after she lays her eggs to recover? Also does the grass prevent her from digging?


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Definitely do not give any slugs at all or snails. These carry parasites and can make your girl quite sick. Are you giving her a plain calcium supplement? Were you able to figure out how to get D3 or some multivitamin for her? With enough unfiltered sunlight, she probably won’t need additional D3.
Has she developed any colors or patterns yet? If so, then she is old enough to be receptive and then lay eggs. I’ve no idea if she can dig thru grass. If you can either add another large container to act as a lay bin or move the grass to another place, that should be ok. The receptive period is her looking for a mate and they get very active during this time. It lasts about a couple of weeks. At any time after about 3-4 weeks from the end of the receptive period is when she could lay eggs.
Definitely do not give any slugs at all or snails. These carry parasites and can make your girl quite sick. Are you giving her a plain calcium supplement? Were you able to figure out how to get D3 or some multivitamin for her? With enough unfiltered sunlight, she probably won’t need additional D3.
Has she developed any colors or patterns yet? If so, then she is old enough to be receptive and then lay eggs. I’ve no idea if she can dig thru grass. If you can either add another large container to act as a lay bin or move the grass to another place, that should be ok. The receptive period is her looking for a mate and they get very active during this time. It lasts about a couple of weeks. At any time after about 3-4 weeks from the end of the receptive period is when she could lay eggs.
I'm dusting her mealworms with grinded cuttlebone for calcium and taking her outside when i'm not busy in the morning that's about it as for colors i don't think her color changed she got a little bit lighter but i think that's because these days are hot also i can confirm she's been really active for a whole month (she stopped about a week ago) and thanks for letting me know when to expect her to lay eggs
Hello again i've been feeding her mealworms, moths, locusts and beetles also i brought grass to the enclosure to add humidity and cool down the temperature and i noticed she is staying near the ground these days i've done a small research and i think it's because she's looking for a place to lay her eggs because she's been looking all over the enclosure and frequently wanted to get out of it (i think they call it the receptive period) and i learned that chameleons can eat slugs and snails and snails are a really good source of calcium with their shells should i bring her a small one after she lays her eggs to recover? Also does the grass prevent her from digging?
Snails and slugs are in principal great feeders, but only if they’re bred in captivity by yourself. Wild caught are extremely parasite loaded and make your sick like @MissSkittles already mentioned. I’ve own bred slugs inside my parsons enclosure and she loves them. She hunts them down the complete enclosure, regardless their size.
Snails and slugs are in principal great feeders, but only if they’re bred in captivity by yourself. Wild caught are extremely parasite loaded and make your sick like @MissSkittles already mentioned. I’ve own bred slugs inside my parsons enclosure and she loves them. She hunts them down the complete enclosure, regardless their size.
Good thing you mentioned that because i forgot @MissSkittles i was planning to buy snails from the store are those good?
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