Foam instead of shower curtain?


New Member
Has anyone used foam panels to cover three sides insted of the shower curtain trick? I am thinking of carving some foam panels to make it look like a mayan ruin, castle, or maybe a tree trunk. may incorporate a reptifogger and led lighting. I mostly worry that they may insulate to well? Probably get around that with small windows on the sides? Really do not like the look of a shower curtain. My work slows down in winter so this would be a fun project. planning on making a bearded dragon cage with a carved foam background that got me thinking of this much bigger project.
Has anyone used foam panels to cover three sides insted of the shower curtain trick? I am thinking of carving some foam panels to make it look like a mayan ruin, castle, or maybe a tree trunk. may incorporate a reptifogger and led lighting. I mostly worry that they may insulate to well? Probably get around that with small windows on the sides? Really do not like the look of a shower curtain. My work slows down in winter so this would be a fun project. planning on making a bearded dragon cage with a carved foam background that got me thinking of this much bigger project.

One thing I'd wonder about using foam is keeping it clean...the more surface texture it has the more places for mildew and mold to get going. I've used shower curtains for years, but types I prefer include "crystal clear" curtain liners in a heavier weight. These tend to hang straighter and don't block the view much. I've also found leaf patterned types that are not too awful looking.
Styrofoam should be fine as long as it does not have pieces that will fall off easily and get ingested. Just make sure worms don't have access to it as they love to burrow in and pupate.

I use black painter's plastic cut to the exact size of the sides of the cage and taped or hung on. It is much cheaper and easier to work with than shower curtain, and can look quite decent if done properly.
Thanks for the replies. This would basically be a 3 sided box outside the cage. Just need something to keep humidity in during the winter.
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