Food and substrate?


New Member
I have yet to get my chameleon because I am extremely worried I will mess up because I do not have the correct information. My main question is about feeding. If possible can I feed my chameleon all freeze dried insects; in other words, not feeding live? Also I am worried about substrate. I said to myself I would not go to a pet store after hearing all the horror story's, but of course I did. The employee insisted I get this substrate and I asked the possible problems ingestion of the product. He said that it does not clump as bad as sand. I went to look at the substrate it says it has coconut chunks in it and I am worried. Is this substrate okay to use? I appreciate any responses and thank you for your time.
First of all no your cham will only want to eat live prey at least all that I have had insist on it. They will eat vegetables, or fruit at times, but not dead insects. Second that substreight is a bad idea you don't need it it will, and has caused impaction. Good luck, and if you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask.
If your worried about proper chameleon husbandry you should do as much research as you can before getting one (as you have stated) There is a ton of information to read about. This site is a great wealth of information. Use this resource as a guide to help you get on your way. Also, owning a chameleon is not an inexpensive hobby. Enjoy your research and when you do get a chameleon you'll feel better about how to take care of him or her. Good luck
For my chameleon I use the Zoo Med Eco Carpet. I also feed him live foods which include crickets, dubia roaches and meal worms that have just molted because they are soft and easier to digest and give a lesser chance for impaction. I am also getting super worms soon to feed. I understand about waiting before you get your chameleon and researching. I read many books, websites and reviews before I got mine :) It took me more than 6 months and hours each day of researching about them.
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