Food source, saving $


New Member

it gets annoying to go to petsmart or order Crickets and sometimes get special treats for my Veiled Chameleon.

I saw people talking about growing/breeding their own crickets, fruit flies, hornwarms and superworms. Can someone please send me a link or a link to a youtube video - full step by step (not scattered) instructions? Its better I think.

Also, my Veiled Chamemelon loved when I presented superworms to him the first 2 days and now he just looks at them- same goes for wax worms, I put it in a cup, he barely touched it.

He loved the cricket, anytime I present them, he eats them all the time.

Do some Chameleons don't eat that much worms? Can someone suggest how to get him to eat something else.

Also how do I show him how to eat Veggies? like spinish, I've never seen him eating any leaves. He drinks the water from the leaf I spray and also from the Chameleon Cantina Fountain
Crickets are easy to breed but you need to keep the eggs and young crickets warm in order to have good results. There isn't much to do, you need a container with a couple of inches of moist eco earth for the eggs, a dimmer (they are like 10$ at lowes.. they are kind of hard to find in the store so you may have to ask a couple of people), and a heat pad or piece of heat tape, and a couple of storage boxes. I put clear packing tape around the inside of the storage boxes to make a slick layer hard for crickets to climb and use aquirium silicone to fix ventilation to the lid of the box (aluminum screen). Use a temp gun (TG1 works well) and get the heat tape in the upper 90s. Set the young crickets and egg tub on the heat tape. Once the crickets are a couple of weeks old you can transfer them to another storage box they mainly need the heat to get started growing and for the eggs to hatch fast.
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