food strike


New Member
Hey its me again. And I am having g trouble Le with little geb. He seems to not be eating at all. I used to be about to get him to hand feed but now he just puffs up at me. I have not seen him eat but 8 can get him to eat out if I put it in his mouth when he gapes
How old is he? Are you only hand feeding or do you have a feeding cup? Some chams don't like to eat with an audience. Is he pooping? If there is poop then he is eating somewhere. I would try a less stressful method like cup feeding before you start feeding him when he is gaping. Gaping means he is stressed and angry, not really the mood for a relaxing dinner... If he continues to refuse food when you cup feed then he may be bored, try mixing it up with different feeders. No one feeder should be more than a fourth of his diet.
I have a cup feeder and I have not seen him use it yet. I feel like it's wrong to force feed him but I don't see him eating ever. When I try to hand feed him normally he flattens and opens his mouth and his hands are close to his chest and he is hissing...He isn't happy with me and I'd like him to be comfertable
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