I am trying to spice up my Chams diet. I understand they can eat crickets, locusts, roaches, silkworms, hornworms, butterworms, and superworms. I am currently feeding her large crickets, hornworms and Madagascar roaches. I have tried the Dubia roaches and she was not interested. Not sure if to try again now that she is on a proper diet. I am currently feeding her every other day. 5 large crickets. Or 3 large crickets and a hornworm. Or 1 Madagascar roach and 1 hornworm. Every feeding fluctuates in variety (what I can purchase at Petstores) but now I’m willing and comfortable to spice up her food choices. Not sure where or how to start. I have tried super worms and she was not interested at all. Now how much variety can I give her in a week without overwhelming her with choices. Quantity of each. Etc. Any advice is appreciated. Just wanting some point of views before I over buy things that will die or she will not consume or might even harm her if I over do it. Thank you!