force feed?


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Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - veiled cham. 4-5 years old, this is my third day with him after rescuing him. Owner told me he was blind. (he doesnt open his eyes) if he really is blind i have no idea.
Handling - daily in order to get into shower or try to feed.
Feeding - i try to feed him daily once in the morning and once at night. he wont eat for me.
Supplements - have some repti spray that i use in the morning and i dip the crickets and mealworms i try to feed him in some d3 powder.
Watering - i mist with a bottle of treated water. humidity is very high so im cutting back. i give him 15 minutes in the shower daily. i still havent seen him open his mouth to drink. multiple water bottles set up for drip system.
Fecal Description - havent seen any
History - pretty calm. doesnt move around the cage much. he climbs all over when he is out of the cage. he likes to climb and sit on my shoulders. he apparently lost his sight about 4-5 weeks ago. he simply doesnt open his eyes.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - small ten gallon glass tank. (owner gave it to me) im getting a screen one this weekend.
Lighting - had a 50watt bulb 1 foot from the top of the cage on. dont use it much as the temperature is warm here and he is in a small tank. dont wat him to overheat.
Temperature - dont have a thermometer yet but its about 70 in the house
Humidity - have a humity checker in there saying its at 90 per cent humidity. i mist oftern, but cutting back because its too high
Plants - some live plants, dont know what kind
Placement - in a low traffic room next to the window for some sun. on a stand roughly about 4 feet off the floor.
Location - northern illinois

Current Problem - have not seem him drink at all, nor can i get him to eat. i try dangling food in front of his face, rubbing it on his mouth, and letting crickets roam free in the tank. crickets are brave enough to even climb on him and sit there and he doesnt even flinch.
no money for a vet trip right now, and i really only got him because the owner didnt want to have to put up with the hassle of hand feeding a blind cham.
really worried about him and would love to let him live a long happy life. any information or suggestions are appreciated.

once again. i have crap for equipment, and am working in order to remedy the situation
I wouldnt call it blindness. If he were simply blind his eyes would be open just not able to see.. eye.problems are a strong.symptom a vitaman A deficiancy. My guess is its a vet or nothing.. JMO
will do that as soons as funds allow. i just successfully manually fed him 3 mealworms. he crawledinto my hand as normal and i help him and fes him three worms with some tongs. he couldnt see what he was doing but with a little help, i got him to open up and have a bite. i just kind of tugged (superlightly!!!) on his beard and he opened his mouth a small crack, then i began too tickle his tounge witht the meal worm, after he got a taste he was more open to the idea. after three he wouldnt eat any more, but its a step in the right direction
I would start with this.

Tips on forcing fluids..remember a drop at a time and give the animal time to swallow. Sick animals are susceptible to aspiration. I would add one drop of fish oil and a couple drops of liquid calcium in 50/50 pedialyte/water. Make sure if you dont have sufficient uvb lighting to get him out in the sun.

Care sheet

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