FOUND! veiled cham in east san diego!

Thank you for posting that!

I really appreciate you trying to find the owner.

**edited because I realized this is the same person who posted earlier**
I visited the site where I found the Cham today and knocked on a few doors. The home closest to where I found him said they have seen the Cham in the past up in the trees. The home owner wasnt excited that I came to his private home to ask about a lizard so thats about all the info I got. I also went to the nearest Vet to see if anybody has reported it to them, but still no luck. It sounds like this guy has been in the wild for some time.
I visited the site where I found the Cham today and knocked on a few doors. The home closest to where I found him said they have seen the Cham in the past up in the trees. The home owner wasnt excited that I came to his private home to ask about a lizard so thats about all the info I got. I also went to the nearest Vet to see if anybody has reported it to them, but still no luck. It sounds like this guy has been in the wild for some time.

Until you find his proper owner, if at all, do you know how to take care of him? do you plan to keep him if you cant find the owners?
Can you post a pic of him so we can see if he is healthy?
More than likely you arent goin to find his previous owner then. Welcome to a wonderful new world of Chameleons! How has his temparment been since you found him? I know you said that he was not ammused when you first got him!
Hopefully You can find the owner. Do you have experience taking care of chameleons? If not I bet someone on here can adopt him and give him proper care.
Before I found him , I had no idea how to take care of a Chameleon. i feel like Im pretty educated just after a few days of reading on this forum. Pics of my setup are posted on the other thread I had posted. I know the cage is a little small and the bark isnt a good idea. Ill be removing the bark soon but the cage is going have to do for at least a couple of months. I bought the calcuim powder stuff today from Pet Kingdom here in SAn Diego.
Just to keep this thread visible for a few days I thought I'd make a post.

Pet kingdom is a great place to shop. I don't recommend buying their crickets or, if you do, make sure to give them several days of good food before feeding them to your chameleons.

You really should check out the new LLL on Mission Gorge. They call it the "Mission Valley" store on their website, but it's really right at Mission Gorge and Zion.
Ya I thought about bumping the thread but wasnt sure since Im new here. Im going to check out LLL next week. Its closer for me also.;)
well if you dont find the owner and decide its too costly for all of the equipment, and food costs, i can adopt the cham from an experienced keeper of many different chams for over 17 years..and guess in east sandiego..anyway good luck!!:D
Before I found him , I had no idea how to take care of a Chameleon. i feel like Im pretty educated just after a few days of reading on this forum. Pics of my setup are posted on the other thread I had posted. I know the cage is a little small and the bark isnt a good idea. Ill be removing the bark soon but the cage is going have to do for at least a couple of months. I bought the calcuim powder stuff today from Pet Kingdom here in SAn Diego.

Chameleons are very expensive pets. I don't mean to seem harsh, but if you can't afford a bigger cage, you really shouldn't be keeping him. Imagine what he feels like, going from having the whole world to roam around freely to being stuck in that tiny cage.
I appreciate the honesty. Its not that I cant afford a new cage, its that Ive been mis-informed twice. The first time a small pet store in east county sold my a friggin fish tank. After some reading and talking to another pet store I bought a screen small cage. Ive also bought two uvb's, another bulb, two basking lights, some bark (that I removed from the floor) and the wrong plant. So now that Ive been on the forum Ive bought a Ficus, removed the bark, bought the multi vitamins, and im picking up a 24x24x36 screen cage Monday. I spent alot of money the first 2 days with equiptment that was a total waste due to bad info. I just returned from a two day trip at Disneyland so funds were tight for a few days. The cage he is in now is too small so I have set another Larger Ficus on top of the cage with some larger branches so when Im home i let him out to roam freely on top of his cage in the ficus. Ive set one of my "extra" UVB's above the top ficus to keep him happy. My point being that Im making the effort to do the right thing. Tomarow this guy will be in a new larger cage. Im still hoping that the owner comes forward because Im sure this guy would rather be with his original owner. If not I will try and would like to keep him. At the first signs of neglect or if I think its getting to be to much work or money, Ill GIVE him away to a very experianced owner thats local here in San Diego who is a member of the forum. Thanks for everyones concern. I do appreciate all the help. Ill post some pics of the new set up in a couple of days.
Dave I think you are doing a bang up job. You will make an excellent owner. i am a pm away if you need any help.
I'll third it.

We'll all help you get through it. You're being a champ. I'm going to suggest you cover 2 sides of that cage with a dark cloth or towel. It's a tad on the small size for that species, but I've read that if they can't see beyond the walls of the enclosure they'll not be worried about not being able to get there (I probably didn't say that right). Let me know if you need tips on how to do that. I'm nothing if not creative on a tight budget!
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