Francis's New enclosure

Kristen Wilkins

Chameleon Enthusiast
Francis's new condo !!. Few more branches , and vines this weekend . She seems to be happy .
It means a lot when people take my advice. Not because I think I know everything. I'm just passionate about all animals and want what's best for them.
I frequently can't find mine and their homes either and that's fine with me I know they're happy
Should I worry if she's on the screen ? I have seen her go to the bottom of old enclosure . With this one if she wanted to go down she may have to go on screen . This weekend I will get another plant , ladders and more vines . I already have the branches .
If you place the nozzles correctly, you won't need to. I have two double nozzles in my enclosure and unless Zaphod decides to move one of them (he does this on occasion just to keep me guessing) there is no issue.
If you place the nozzles correctly, you won't need to. I have two double nozzles in my enclosure and unless Zaphod decides to move one of them (he does this on occasion just to keep me guessing) there is no issue.
lol that's funny , I'm not sure Francis is even going to come out of that plant anyhow .
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