Frantically moving around cage

I’m going to go against some of what has already been said. Sorry guys. Love you all. 😘 But…
I think @elizaann2 is maybe copying some of my habits of reading too fast and/or not being caffeinated enough. 💗 Your supplements and schedule for them are perfect. The ReptiVite with D3 is both multivitamin and D3.
When you say ambient temp is as low as 68, when, where and how are you measuring that? I can’t imagine that with a basking temp of near to 90, the temp just a couple of feet down would be as low as 68. Yes btw, basking temp should be around 85.
I don’t feel like handling him just a few times a month is too much either.
I do think it’s is correct that your healthy young man is having some urges to find a pretty young lady. Every cell in his body is desperately telling him that he must procreate asap. It is normal for adult males to patrol their territory (enclosure) several times daily, but now he’s on a mission.
The only suggestions I have are to be careful that he doesn’t escape and to think about doubling his territory.
Yes thank you! I’ve been working too much and sleeping too little the last few days. Thanks for catching all my errors ❤️
Yes thank you! I’ve been working too much and sleeping too little the last few days. Thanks for catching all my errors ❤️

So over all you guys think everything’s normal and he’s just being a little crazy today? I’ve just seen different things about chameleons climbings and “trying to escape” means something’s not right
Moving him to your office is a great idea. That’s where my buddy is. He will be used to you being around but not focused on him. They like to people watch so long as they don’t feel noticed or like they’re the focus of the room. My chameleons never hide. They’re always down front watching everyone intently. I’m working next to Tony 8 hours a day of which maybe two or three times I roll my chair back and say hi. He’s always staring at me!
These are the readings currently in my office in the corner he’d go, shows highs and lows and current over the last two days, I also have a little heater I could run if needed. My office is pretty small, not a huge room


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I’m going to go against some of what has already been said. Sorry guys. Love you all. 😘 But…
I think @elizaann2 is maybe copying some of my habits of reading too fast and/or not being caffeinated enough. 💗 Your supplements and schedule for them are perfect. The ReptiVite with D3 is both multivitamin and D3.
When you say ambient temp is as low as 68, when, where and how are you measuring that? I can’t imagine that with a basking temp of near to 90, the temp just a couple of feet down would be as low as 68. Yes btw, basking temp should be around 85.
I don’t feel like handling him just a few times a month is too much either.
I do think it’s is correct that your healthy young man is having some urges to find a pretty young lady. Every cell in his body is desperately telling him that he must procreate asap. It is normal for adult males to patrol their territory (enclosure) several times daily, but now he’s on a mission.
The only suggestions I have are to be careful that he doesn’t escape and to think about doubling his territory.
It really depends on the type of “handling”. Some people just grab their chameleons out of the cage to hold them. That’s a bad start to a chameleon-human relationship. You want to build trust with hand feeding. Then you can work on holding them while feeding. Return them to the enclosure when the feeding time is done. That will mean you aren’t a threat, your presence is a good thing, you’re a source of food. But still, keep hand holding to a min. Use a branch if they don’t like being on your hand. If they feel like a big primate could reachin to grab them at any time, that’s not going to give them the warm and fuzzies about security within the enclosure.
It really depends on the type of “handling”. Some people just grab their chameleons out of the cage to hold them. That’s a bad start to a chameleon-human relationship. You want to build trust with hand feeding. Then you can work on holding them while feeding. Return them to the enclosure when the feeding time is done. That will mean you aren’t a threat, your presence is a good thing, you’re a source of food. But still, keep hand holding to a min. Use a branch if they don’t like being on your hand. If they feel like a big primate could reachin to grab them at any time, that’s not going to give them the warm and fuzzies about security within the enclosure.
I never just grab him, I have hand fed him a lot but if I ever remove him from his enclosure, I have a stick I place by him and he climbs on then I remove him on the stick. I don’t want him to think I’m going to squish him! Haha
See if you can hold a silk worm or super worm in one hand and have him walk on the other open hand like a bridge to get the food. I use this method with my adopted panther who is a biter. He’s stepped on my hand a few times. But boy oh boy when the food is gone and he realizes he’s been hoodwinked, he’s ready to make me pay
I usually use the stick method. But the side eye Nachito gives me when taking her out could kill lol 😂
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