Free disabled baby ambilobe from Homer to very experienced keeper.


Avid Member
Hi everyone.
Heartbreakingly this precious sweet little baby came out of the egg, twisted.
At first it didn't look very different than healthy neonates. However now he's almost 6 weeks and clearly has a spine deformity condition.
Dr. Greek said that sometimes spines can naturally straighten out in such a young age, but most likely won't.
Hes a boy, his colors are starting to come in, and im sure hes gonna be absolutely beautiful, because he already is so unique n special with the kindest disposition.
He's not seeming to be in any pain, but cant be "fixed" so he will need special care.
I will give him for free,
if you are, preferred experienced with less that perfect panther chameleons, at least have extensive knowledge and been a caretaker before.
🥺I can't keep him, I don't have the space or adequate knowledge to provide him with the best life.
He's sweet as a button, walks, climbs, hangs like his siblings, huge appetite and heavy drinker. Doesn't seem bother or restricted by it, however as he gets older and heavier, that may change.
💔😞It just breaks my heart to see him like this, but I know someone inhere on the forum is the perfect caretaker for him.
🙏Please let me know if your interested. 🫶
Thank you,


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What a beautiful baby! My immediate thought is…I want him! But I’m sure there are keepers on the forums with more experience with disabled chams who could give him the care he needs. If he’s moving around just fine, that’s very encouraging. I found some old posts on the forums discussing similar birth defect issues but no one talked about the impact on quality of life or longevity.
Honestly it doesn’t look like it’s gonna affect his quality of life.. if whoever said they were gonna take him, don’t, I absolutely will, I have everything he would need already, even the plants, and lights, I always always always keep extra everything.. ya never know.. but I can show u all my set ups now, and I definitely have the knowledge..I’m consistent all around with my reptiles, all of them, they are all on strict schedules in every aspect, I believe if a Cham knows what every day is gonna hold for them they are way less stressed.. I even have enough cages to upgrade his home as he would get bigger, but if someone else wanted him I’m not trying to step on anyone’s toes.. he’s absolutely precious, and he would have amazing home here 🥰🦎
Hi everyone.
Heartbreakingly this precious sweet little baby came out of the egg, twisted.
At first it didn't look very different than healthy neonates. However now he's almost 6 weeks and clearly has a spine deformity condition.
Dr. Greek said that sometimes spines can naturally straighten out in such a young age, but most likely won't.
Hes a boy, his colors are starting to come in, and im sure hes gonna be absolutely beautiful, because he already is so unique n special with the kindest disposition.
He's not seeming to be in any pain, but cant be "fixed" so he will need special care.
I will give him for free,
if you are, preferred experienced with less that perfect panther chameleons, at least have extensive knowledge and been a caretaker before.
🥺I can't keep him, I don't have the space or adequate knowledge to provide him with the best life.
He's sweet as a button, walks, climbs, hangs like his siblings, huge appetite and heavy drinker. Doesn't seem bother or restricted by it, however as he gets older and heavier, that may change.
💔😞It just breaks my heart to see him like this, but I know someone inhere on the forum is the perfect caretaker for him.
🙏Please let me know if your interested. 🫶
Thank you,
CamillaView attachment 343256
Its the unique ones that are gorgeous!! Glad he found a home
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