Free Range, Questions!!


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Today I let my young veiled free range for the first time. I had to get her out of her cage and put her onto the free range since she wouldn't come out willingly. Right now it's just a 7 ft. fake ficus tree with a light above it. She seemed to be relaxed and enjoyed it. To coax her back into her cage, I held up a branch. So I got her back in her cage.Well, I had the door open cleaning the tray on the bottom and looked up to see her trying to get out. Which is different, because she had never went no where near the door! Ever. Meaning she's starting to get comfortable with her environment? Also will she still want to feed inside her cage if she starts to like free ranging more and more? I decided to let her sleep there since the room is secure and no dogs or anything can get in there. Also is complete darkness so I'm confident she'll sleep there. I plan on checking in a few hours carefully to see if she stayed there or went back to her cage.( left the door open.) any tips or safety concerns are appreciated!


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It is fine that she sleeps on the free range....but forewarning, if you area late sleeper, be prepared for the fact that your cham may not be on the ficus when you wake up. Chameleons will find the oddest places to sit. Be ready for a scavenger hunt!! Also, be careful when you open the door in the morning...don't want to hit her if she is cruising the floors.
Awesome! And I'll be careful. I thought they typically keep off of the ground? Lol

It's not that she will stay on the ground, but if she views a perching opportunity that she finds suitable, she will cross just about anything to get to it...including the floor.

And also, will she still eat in her cage if she becomes used to free ranging?

She will eat, but unless you're planning on setting up a proper free range that has all the necessities and can offer the proper husbandry a female veiled would need, I would suggest just using the free range a little each day to let her "stretch her legs" so to say.
my first piece of advise would be to loose that Detroit Redwings sign! Gonna scare the poor little guy! :ROFLMAO:
You just brought back an old ass Woah woah woah. The Wings are where it's at! Please don't say you're a Blackhawk fan....haha
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