Free roam enclosure so far. Does it sound okay?


I have a six foot fake ficus inside a clear vinyl shower curtain that is hanging from the ceiling. The shower curtain will be closed when I am not home and at night. Otherwise the front of it will be open. I have a basking light at the very top. I have a mister running up the tree from a pale of water on the floor. The UVB light will hang at the top next to the basking. I will be adding real plants and climbing vines to the ficus. Do you see any problems with the shower curtain being around the tree? The whole Free Roaming/enclosure will be about 6 feet high by approx. 55 inches in diameter, little smaller at the top. Any suggestions or ideas welcomed.:)
Will you be able to prevent the cham from climbing onto the basking light? They will want to climb up as high as possible. And, in case your cham happens to drop off the tree onto the floor, is the room safe for a roaming critter? Will it get too cold or too hot if it wanders away from the free range? When your cham is new to the area it will most likely try to roam. Once it learns that everything it wants is right there it will most likely stay put.

Interesting to see how well this works!
Don't see any problems with the shower curtain, although you might want to watch for issues if they try to climb the curtain.

Also, just realize that whenever you free-range, you need to make sure to "cham proof" a larger area. They will not necessarily stay in the area you have set for them and may go wondering (quite often at that, it really depends on their personality).
Yes, I do believe he won't be able to get on the lights. Unless, he can climb the shower curtain. Hmmm, might have to think that one out. As for Cham proofing the room. It's my living room. So what kind of proofing are you talking about? I guess the only thing I really would have to worry about is an entertainment center. If he were to get behind it, well, unless he came out on his own, that would be his pertinent place, as I wouldn't be able to get to him.
Should I keep him in a cage like situation first and then let him free roam? You know make him appreciate the freedom of not being in a cage LOL
I was figuring the shower curtain would keep him more inclined to stay put and all the stuff he will have to climb on.
( sorry, I like free roam instead of range LOL don't mean to be difficult or different :D)
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