Frita swallowed her tongue?! Pulled it out .


New Member
So I noticed Frita doing something weird with her tongue, I look in her mouth and it's all pink, no blue blobbish looking thing (tongue) I had to do this alone, it's only me, I took a q tip and wetted it slid it under the bony part and pulled the tongue out gently enough, I think. I just took video of her trying to eat. How do I post a video. She tries to shoot the tongue but can't. She keeps it toward the back of her mouth now. I'm technically iced in. Ga is closed down because Of all the ice. Emergency vet said to call uga vet, they are closed. Is she going to lose her tongue?
I don't have words to tell you how much I hope this works out for you and Frita. I have no idea what to say about the tongue problem. Let us know how you and Frita are doing.
Oh, can you not post it as a picture?( It's probably a stupid question,'cause you probably tried it.) Is it a right format? You can send it to me and I can try it too!
But I so want to seem this 'cause my cham has tongue problem and yours sounds like mine. I just wanted to post a thread,because I so much don't know what to do,so I totally understand how you feel!
Ok now it worked!
Yes ,mine did the exact same thing! WHAT IS HAPPENING????? Lately it works but usually from 1-2 inches.
Does she puke sometimes? Mine pukes out 1-2 crickets a day in the past 4-5 days. But it is maybe because I have a bit bigger crickets now? I am sooooooo freaked out!
I'm taking her in first thing in the morning since the emergency vet basically said " hey yeh we are not specialist, call uga!" I call uga and they are closed! I'm so angry. They even advertise exotics. Ugh

What does this mean? Will she lose the tongue guys?
Lathis I'm about to lose it :( I swear to god! What the crap is going on. Hoggle dies now Frita is having tongue issues. I'm so upset and I swear waiting till the vet opens will take forever and I'll be nuts by then. I love Frita so much, Hoggle I never had a good chance to get to know him, but I know my baby girl. Ugh. At least I know chunky will go get the food.

Here is another video. This one is better and shows the issue.
At least she eats! Somehow she catches the prey right? If yes then try to calm down and just wait till the vet is open...Believe me I know how you feel!!!Watching her how she tries to stick it out but can't but she is hungry....Ohhh...
So when can you take her?
I would recommend not feeding her at all for a few days and let the tongue rest. If she has no other problems with her tongue then gently hand feed her in 4 or five days and don't allow her to shoot. Hold the food up close to her mouth. If all continues to go well I would do the close hand feeding for a good couple of weeks and then slowly allow her to do some very short shoots, gradually going back to normal. Wishing Frita the best. There are some Cham vets around Atlanta. I'll see if I can find you some names.
Could possibly be hyperextended. Let her tongue rest, this is not nearly as bad as my veiled tongue issue was. If she ends up not being able to retract her tongue you need to keep the tongue moist with paper towels or something. Good luck keep me posted
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